Lightspeed Task View - Time Tracking

We are a digital marketing agency and time tracking is critical for us. We use time tracking to manage billable work, as well as resource usage, internal vs. external productivity, etc. The built-in time tracking was one of the reasons we moved to Wrike 2+ years ago, and while the current version has some room for improvements, it's also currently a "pro" in staying and not exploring a new tool at the time.

In the new task view, the time tracking feature is buried at the bottom under "hidden sections."


We require everyone to track their full day, but this poor placement has me apprehensive to rollout Lightspeed with my team despite the other promised improvements (particularly speed/load time).

My concern is that as an organization we say that time-tracking is critical and required. But if it's buried and takes multiple steps to get to in the PM software we use, isn't that undermining the so-called importance? Team members need this to be front & centre or they will forgot at best, or eschew time tracking all together.

My questions are twofold
a) can Wrike move the time tracker function the top of the task panel, maybe next to approvals? 

b) can we customize our own time tracker placement organization-wide (leaving it to 50+ team members to manually change their settings will be a headache, and not address new hires).

[Also, if this customizability exists and I just haven't found it yet - please point me in the right direction!)

Thanks so much.

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Agreed!  We also have to track time on all tasks.  Having it (or being able to add it there ourselves) in the stationary header on Lightspeed would be a must.

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I have looked down to the bottom of my hidden fields and I still can't find the timer. This is causing a big drag on my workday because I am also required to track my time. I am currently looking for a way to get out of Lightspeed for this reason. 

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Agreed! Time Tracking is probably one of the most important features. With the timer hidden away, it's too easy to forget to enter your time or start the timer. 

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Jennifer Epler, It's not in the hidden fields, it's actually under the Files section and you have to expand >2 hidden sections. See below.

To get out of Lightspeed until the fix this issue, click on your profile image and toggle "Try Lightspeed"

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I cannot even locate the time tracking - this is crippling the workflow at my office and adding a lot of frustration and anxiety to my day. My colleagues are all complaining about it too. It's absolutely terrible and should be corrected immediately. I don't know how it could have ever made sense from a UX/UI perspective to shift the time tracking to the very bottom of a task in a hidden section. There is plenty of space for it to be up in the main area - if they wanted to collapse it into something, it could be opened by clicking on the date area.

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I agree! Time tracking is huge for us as we bill hourly. For it to be hidden away is really not intuitive at all. 

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We absolutely need time tracking to be easier/more convenient in Lightspeed. The update is simply unusable for us without it.

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I agree and in general am finding Lightspeed to be slower for me with all of the hidden fields.

Can anyone find where you enable Project progress in Lightspeed? I've had to toggle on and off to enable if I build a new project that doesn't come from blueprint where that feature is already enabled.

Here is where I have adjusted it in the old UI, where is this in Lightspeed?

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Hi folks!

Our team is planning more modifications for the Work item view, and they are planning to bring time tracking to the upper side of the view, so it becomes a lot easier to see and use it. We'll keep you posted 👍

Robyn Jackson Project progress is planned to be added to the new Work item view soon. 

Thank you all for your feedback! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Having the timer easily visible is a must. Management also tracks our timing. 

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Thank you for supporting here Gina Jennings 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa and Robyn Jackson - Please let us know when this Ux update is planned if possible! Especially on tasks/projects with larger descriptions this is causing some drag on teams that track time in detail. Thank you much!

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Hi Christopher Lucksted, thank you very much for voicing your interest in this improvement. Please rest assured that we will let you know as soon as we have updates to share 👍 Thank you for sharing your use case with us!

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