[New to Wrike] Level Up Your Workspace with Spaces
I’m super excited to announce that we’re rolling out Spaces to all accounts this week 🙌
Spaces is brand new functionality that helps you better organize your team's work. This new building block enhances everybody’s control and visibility into their workspace and resources.
Spaces enable your organization, regardless of size, to define and manage your departments at scale in a clear way so you can see exactly what you need to get work done effectively.
One big highlight is Bookmarks. Within these new tidy Spaces you can create Bookmarks which sit cleanly in your team’s Space and allow quick access to the items you need whether they’re items within Wrike, or external links.
- Tasks, Folders, and Projects
- Dashboards
- Reports
- Request forms
- External links
Below I’ve listed some essential reading to help you get started with Spaces. And as always, we want to hear your thoughts on this new feature so please post below with your feedback 🙏
- Check out the Getting Started Guide for Spaces
- Learn how Spaces affects your current Folder Structure.
- Read more about Spaces and Bookmarks
- Create a Space today, here’s how.
- Adding Folder and Projects to a Space.
- Invite your team to a Space.
- For more, check out Spaces FAQ.
- Watch our expert team explain Spaces in detail on this recorded webinar
Adding a link here to the original announcement, where some comments have already been made about spaces. HERE
Is Spaces something that needs to be added on? I don't see the option when I click on the plus button.
Same here. Wondering if they've only activated for certain servers at this point.
@Robert and @Joel. Yes, spaces is rolling out this week. If you don't have it yet, you should see it soon.
I use the desktop app.
for some items, i have to get the URL from the web app, others it works using the Link provided in the desktop app.
Tasks and projects will open as a new tab on my app. Calendars, Folders and Dashboards open as a new Window on my screen.
Wrike is a memory 'hog', and each new tab and or Window takes up even more memory. I prefer all bookmarks open as another tab on the app, not another window. This way i can see how many tabs are open, where with the windows, they are all over the place on my screens. (i hope that made sense).
I really wish your team would test out items first before forcing them on everyone. I am trying to set up a new project today, shared to our team -- but I can't because now I need to make a space before I can add new projects, then I have to drag all our existing projects/folders to that new space. On top of this, I have to pick some random emoji for the space instead of uploading a custom graphic, such as our logo.
And why does every space have a non-removeable "Bookmarks" section?
Why does this feature exist? Who asked for it?
Thanks! I got the email that said my space is ready - and it wasn't. but based on this thread it is something that hasn't been rolled out to everyone yet so hopefully in the next two weeks.
@Dana. You can actually set up a new Project w/ out creating a space. If you have a folder set that the project goes into, select that folder, and then use the big green +.
I think Spaces will be a great improvement, once the bugs are worked out. It's hard to work out all the bugs before launching any program, as it takes a village to use it and abuse it and figure out what needs to be done.
I think with Spaces, patience is key. 😌
@Marjorie -- Our projects have never been in a root folder, so that's the issue.
What I'd rather is have these things as an opt-in to iron out the bugs and then roll it out. This isn't the first time we've had a new feature land and we've needed to spend time cleaning up because of it. And we're only a small shop -- I can't imagine what larger places have to do.
It seems to me that a Space is essentially a shared folder, where you can include tasks from various folders all in one place. We already use this folder method, so this does not seem new. The only new feature seems to be Bookmarks for different types of links. Am I right that this is the only significant difference from a folder?
Question for the Wrike Gurus. Spaces has been activated on our account and I'm noticing that once a space has been built, all bookmarks within that space open in their own tab. Is this how this is supposed to work? Seems odd, if and when I navigate between the folders, dashboards, and reports within a space I have to keep closing the multiple tabs that get opened. HELP!! Is there a way to set up the system so all navigation takes place within a single tab?
@michael, yes, too many tabs/windows are getting open, see my comment above.
@Samir, now that you mention it, yes, i think so. At least that's how i'm seeing it. One big benefit of the Bookmarks is the ability to place links to reports and Request Forms as a bookmark. Helps make it easier to choose the correct ones quickly.
@Dana, I can see what that would be an issue. I have a small team, so we are handling it as it comes, I'm not sure how the larger ones are working it out.
I'm really not sure - STILL - what this is all about - OMG how many clicks and pages do i have to go down to see what this actually is???
For the love of god don't you people proof read???? Engeneering - are you kidding me????
I’ve been working in rebuilding our org into team spaces. I think this will be a huge improvement in efficiency for our teams. Bookmarks has me a little confused now though. It looks nothing at all like the many videos, webinars and examples that were shown. Is this a conscious change? Or is our account not viewing this feature properly? Adding links as bookmarks doesn’t seem as intuitive as the videos either, and many links seem to be doing odd things, like folders not showing actual contents and projects inside when using a folder bookmark. The iconography also does not look like the examples, and leaves a lot to be desired. Hard to quickly make out the differences between types of bookmarks. The colored bookmarks stood out more clearly from each other.
Hi all, thanks for posting here. And thanks to those of you helping others out here with answers here 👏
We really appreciate the feedback on this and the product team are taking note of your insights. We're also interested in what you like about Spaces and how it's going to help you. For me, I think it’s super cool I can organize the Reports and Request forms I need in one place - introducing new team members to their Space where they'll have everything will make things so much easier for me.
What about you?
I’ve answered some questions below with the help of the Product team overlooking this project, thanks for your patience while I gathered the info!
@Marj The Link should be creating a Bookmark, let me raise a ticket so you can show the Support Team what’s happening.
Right now, the colors are not available as there’s some work to make colors available in other areas of the Workspace for other objects too for this to happen in the Space. I’ll update here when it’s available, our team is looking into it.
About the multiple tabs opening in the Desktop app. The team are aware and are working on fixing it. Expected to happen early next week.
@Dana - the team is considering implementing the ability to add custom logos as an option for the icon, but there’s no ETA right now. As for Bookmarks, the team plans to make that optional application in Spaces so if you don’t need it you won’t see it. This is due in a couple of weeks.
@Lee Today is the last day of deploying the update. If it’s not there tomorrow, please let me know.
@Michael Our next milestone for Spaces is to give the ability to create Dashboards/Reports/Calendars, etc right in Spaces. At that point, we can remove the confusion that it may be causing. Also, for now, they’ve decided not to use colors since they are not supported throughout the Wrike. But we are considering to bring back colors: we want to make an option to customize the color for each object.
@Samir and everyone, I think it might help to list some of the main benefits of Spaces for you and your team:
I hope this helped. Keep asking questions here. If you know the answer to someone else’s question, help a fellow community member and please share your input. Thanks!
I have figured out why some of my bookmarks open in a new window and some open in a new tab within the desktop app. Items that i use the URL from a web browser to create the bookmark will open in a new window. Items that i use the Wrike provided permalink, will open a new tab. I vote NEW Tab on ALL bookmarks. :D
It would be great to have an ability to enable or disable Spaces. In my case, I don't think my organization will be using Spaces as we already have a Folder/sub-folder/project hierarchy in place BUT I don't want my general users jumping in and creating Spaces willy-nilly. The update just hit my accounts today and I've already got users messing around with it instead of just using our established folder structures.
Additionally, the user permissions of Spaces seem to be limited. In my case, I have folders set by Divisions and sub folders set by Department. Staff in individual Departments shouldn't have the same permissions in other Departments within their Division besides their own, so I'd be forced to create Spaces by Department, rather than being able to have a Space for a Division and then have Department folders which I could control permissions on individually. Perhaps this just isn't the planned use for Spaces?
@Harrison Luoma You may turn-off the ability to create Spaces for end users in Account Management - in this case only account admins will be able to create them.
Alexey Kartavenko Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Alexey Kartavenko Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
@Alexey Kartavenko Where can I find that setting exactly?
@Harrison Luoma My apologies, this setting is only available in Enterprise accounts for now.
Alexey Kartavenko Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Alexey Kartavenko Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
@Alexey Kartavenko Do you know if this will be an option in the near future? I'd like to be able to disable it in my account so users do not have the option to use it as we've got an established system of use for Wrike.
Hi Harrison, there are no plans right now. The team have your feedback now and if there's any changes I'll be sure to let you know here 👍
Are there any plans to be able to assign workflows to spaces just like request forms so space admins can manage them as well?
@Joshua, you can set the default Workflow when creating a Space, or even adjust it once you have already created it.
To edit a workspace, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Space:
Hi Marj, thanks for pointing that out, but that doesn't allow space admins to edit and otherwise manage the workflows does it? I'm looking for the control that assigning a form to a space gives the space admin but for workflows as well.
Correct, a space admin can only edit spaces. in order to edit workflows, you have to be an account admin.
Space admins can edit forms assigned to the space. I would like to be able to assign workflows in the same way so space admins can also edit them.
I left this in a another thread, it's probably better here:
Hi guys, I generally think Spaces is a step forward. We found our request forms were not very visible so this is going to help being able to book mark those, and I really like the idea of having a landing page with those bookmarks pinned. I know you said that you are going to allow the ability to set a default view - to me this is really important - we hardly use list views at all and I think something like analytics works makes a lot more sense as a landing page view here. However, can I ask that you consider allowing to have a dashboard as the landing page on a space. I think we would use dashboards so much more if they were part of the core structure rather than hidden away under Dashboards tab. (And yes, being able to pin them in bookmarks will help but still better if I could embed them as the landing page)
I've gone to about 6 pages on your site to figure out what Spaces are and why I'd use them. Not an image or a video on any of the pages. Screenshots are free folks. I'm going to go ahead and ignore this feature entirely now as I've spent enough time trying to figure out why I should be excited by it.