[Welcome!] New to the Community? Introduce yourself! 👋

Welcome to the Wrike Community! 🖖
This thread is here so you can introduce yourself to your fellow Community members and so existing members can welcome you on board.
Let me start: I’m Stephen, I’m a Community Specialist at Wrike. You’ll see me here a lot; managing the forums, chatting and generally helping out.
You probably guessed that already so here’s a little more about me...
I'm from Dublin, Ireland 🇮🇪
I have a very lazy cat named Blue  🐈
I have a manic fear of wasps 🐝
If I were you, I'd also add some details about what you're looking to achieve with Wrike, what you'd love to learn from other teams, or what processes you've got figured out. 
Don’t be shy, tell us a little bit about yourself below!
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Комментариев: 289

I am Madhusudan. Absolutely newcomer to Wrike.

In fact I had never used Project Management software excepting drawing Bar Chart by Gannt.

I am MD of a Company but an enthusiast. Want to Introduce Wrike to my Company and believe there will be resistance.

My questions are

  1. Can use some local drive to store the entire data so that one can view and use date when Internet is down.
  2. Where to change the date format to dd/mm/yyyy ?

Thanks and best wishes.

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I am from India and from Kolkata City.


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Welcome, Madhusudan! 

There's always a little resistance to change so I totally understand your concern there, we're recently discussing this over here in our discussion about Change Management. There's no need to worry though, we have some great onboarding tools that will help!

The first step is for you to attend this Live webinar. It's Change Management: Unpacked and it will help you win over those resistant to change within your organization.

Now to answer your questions🙂

  1. Can use some local drive to store the entire data so that one can view and use the date when the Internet is down.

- Yes. if the internet is lost, you can visit read.wrike.com and you can continue to work offline.

  1. Where to change the date format to dd/mm/yyyy ?

- Yes, an admin can change the date format in your Account Management settings. Check out this Help article for more about this.

Welcome to Wrike, and the Community! 🙌

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Hello WRIKE Community!

I'm Heather, from Corporate Design Interiors in Milwaukee, WI. We are a commercial furniture dealership offering professional design services and commercial furniture for clients. Our project process has become fairly complex making our workflow management challenging. We are exploring Wrike to replace our existing master spreadsheet that currently documents our orders, tasks and timelines of our client projects.

I'm curious if there are any other users (Business Edition) that use Wrike for order management, and if so, how they enter the information so it is visible by the entire project team/management (PO#, Ack#, ship dates that would create a lead time, etc.). This is heavily integrated into our project work flow, so we need to be able to visualize/track this information and have dependencies to and from each order (receiving, delivery, install, etc.). 

I'd appreciate any feedback on existing configurations that work well.



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I'm a UK based cofounder of a planet before profit (meaning we seek profit but prioritise planet; defining success as increasing the long term quality of life [including non-human life], insofar as we're able to measure it)

We (Dignity platform) organise events and have an online platform enabling neighbours to meet and volunteer skills to each other in return for a donation to their favourite charity or nonprofit.

I'm especially interested in evolving beyond hierarchy and fascinated with the every growing number of success stories of this happening at scale. I work 2 days a week with an org that trains teams how to harness the collective intelligence (rather than collective stupidity!) of teams at scale and unleash the power of insightful self-management.


I can see the time and care that's gone into the very impressive product that is Wrike (and I've obsessively explored alternatives) 
but was really frustrated by Timelog view being recently broken. There's no longer and way of seeing Timelog comments without them being truncated (word wrap was removed, and also the field column has a very silly, narrow limit to how wide it can be stretched) which is anti-self management in my opinion, as decentralisation of information (who's doing what) is key to decentralisation of power (what needs doing).

Happy to connect 🙂

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I'm Brooke.  Cultural Director for a large privately owned bakery in Atlanta.  In addition to the cool part of my job, I'm also the Path of Least Resistance. Meaning, new idea or platform to test, let Brooke do it! 

We've gone down the road a few times with project management platforms and it has failed. Probably more because no one "owned it" and it's implementation.  I just attended the Change Management Webinar the other day but wanted to find out if the PowerPoint deck was available?  And if so where would I find it. 



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Hi everyone...!  My name is Megan, and I am a project manager for Masonic Villages, one of the USA's largest not-for-profit continuing care retirement community organizations.  We have five locations scattered across the state of Pennsylvania and provide management services to several other CCRCs within and outside of the state.  Check us out at:  https://www.masonicvillages.org

I am a PMI-certified project manager having obtained my PMP (Project Management Professional) certification in December of 2015.  I have an associates and bachelors degree in Information Technology.  You can see more about me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meganycaldwell/

It's my dream to see Wrike's product grow into something that's extremely useful for structured project management.  Wrike is a wonderful tool, and has a lot of potential, but there are some fundamental project management features that need to be added.  That's why I am here and keep up the persistence with my ideas and contributions to the Wrike community - I'd love to be able to implement across our 2,500+ employee base to simplify project management and increase collaboration.

If I could describe myself in 3 words they'd be: tenacious, organized, and purposeful.

Nice to meet you all!!

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Great to meet you and welcome to Wrike.  It's the users that speak out that help make this great product better every day.  Wrike has a product development and support team that listens and takes action.  


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Hi Stephen and the wider wrike community 
I’m Alex, I’m a Growth Operations Manager and probably the most active wrike user and promoter in my organization. 
I'm from Auckland, New Zealand 🇳🇿
I'm training for the Olympics 🏅
I was once doing some landscaping for a friend I began getting stung by 6 wasps simultaneously 🐝 they even were in my gumboots and under my shirt. 
I really love the new permalinks because it's a great way to introduce email communications and other colleges into the superior wrike infrastructure. However, it would be great if I wrike would allow permalinks to accept "forwarding approval" from gmail. This would enable better task tracking as emails could go straight to wrike using googles filter functionality. 
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HI everyone!

It's fantastic to get to everyone a little better 🤗 Please keep the introductions coming!

Some of you have some questions so in an attempt not to derail the introductions here I want to briefly explain where you can search and post to find the answers you need here on the Community.

  • Our How-To section is for when you're little stuck or just need a helping hand with any aspect of Wrike. Posts here are usually answered by the Wrike Team a little quicker than other sections.
  • Our Best Practice forum is a great place to share how you're using Wrike or look for other members to share best practices. Please share any cool ways you're using Wrike and don't be shy, ask the Community how they're achieving certain processes with Wrike too!
  • The Product Feedback forum is for you to submit a new idea or to suggest an enhancement to an existing feature. Our Product Team are always browsing this section and the ideas posted here are all read and reported to the Product Team. This section works by a voting system, so make sure you search for an existing idea so can vote for it, instead of creating a duplicate post of the same idea.
  • The API section is for all those burning questions about integrating Wrike with your existing software. 
  • Brought to you by Wrike - this is where you'll find posts from the Wrike Team. Here we'll feature interesting case studies, big product releases, events and much more.
  • Finally, our Weekly Release Notes forum will give you a list of the new enhancements and features. Tip: you can click the follow button on this section and receive an email each week we post there so you're always up to date on what's new!

Happy Posting!

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Greetings and salutations!

My name is Carolanne, and I've been managing the Wrike workspace for Euromonitor International's marcomm team for about two years (with Basecamp for about a year before that). Euromonitor is a global market research company, and marketing is regularly tasked with producing content for a large range of audiences (across industries, economies, and consumers). I'm currently building out v2 of our folder structure and project templates in order to improve adoption rates among our global team, as well as increase efficiency and ease of reporting for management.

Fun things about me:

🐈🐈🐈 I have three cats named after characters from Mass Effect
🎧 My ideal vacation is traveling to a new city and raiding its used cd stores
🍋 I am the "benevolent dictator" of Wrike, but Lemongrab is my Patronus

Fun things I want from Wrike:

The ability to map custom fields to everything - ie, user fields in a form can be used to auto-assign certain tasks in the project template that is created (and ability to delete custom fields)
The freedom to assign groups to tasks, custom workflows, and form fields
Give projects the love they deserve, with better visibility in non-reporting things (like kanban / board views, dashboards, calendar, etc.)

I also dream of the day when I can reschedule a project by its milestone task, rather than the first or last task.

Looking forward to problem-solving with you!


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Hello Everyone,

My name is Ryan Nelson and I am the Controller for Entrust Disability Services in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. 

I have been using Wrike in our organization for about 3 years, but it has only been within the last 6-9 months that I finally got buy-in from the rest of my organization, and now we are using Wrike for almost everything we do.  IT IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!

As Stephen said the forums are great, and an interactive way that we can collaborate with one another and help each other out.  I suggest using the How-To, for conversations for us to help one another with similar issues that we may experience.

Happy Wriking everyone. 


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Greetings Ryan, great suggestion.  I am also happy to hear that your entire organization has adopted Wrike.  That's when it works best.  We called it our single point of truth when I implemented Wrike at F5 Networks.  Good luck and chat with you in the Forums!

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Hi everyone. I'm MC Carter, founder of digital marketing agency for accountants and business advisors, PARADOX. We've been using Wrike since March 2013. It's been awesome to see Wrike continue to improve each and every year. We actually once decided to stop using Wrike, but then I had a team revolt on my hands, and we reversed that decision (which was only made out of a "let's try to use fewer apps in our business" approach). Our team found they couldn't operate and collaborate efficiently without Wrike!

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That's great to hear MC! I can understand your team's position. I use Wrike for everything now, even my personal projects, if someone took it away I would definitely revolt too! 😄

It would be great to hear how you go about setting up a Project in Wrike. I know there are a lot of people here who are in the similar industry or so it would be great to hear any tips or processes you use over in the Best Practice section 👍

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Hi everyone! My friends call me Marj, so please do. 😀 I have been working at my company for 23 years now in various job positions, so I seem to be the GoTo person when anyone has a question. My current position is a mix of what I am best at: Marketing/Public Relations and IT/Telephony Director. Two, totally different jobs. I spent many years trying to get organized, as you can imagine, with so many 'hats' on my head, I am usually being pulled in many directions. Trying to track everything, with multiple projects constantly had me pulling out my hair as well as missing deadlines and forgetting important tasks.

I was on Facebook one day (not at work, I promise) and an ad popped up for Wrike. I thought, hmm, let me check it out, maybe I can get the company to pay for a PM Software to help me.  Wow, I took the opportunity for the free trial and was immediately overwhelmed with the abilities Wrike has, not to mention their awesome Customer Support Team! After only 1 week of using it, I decided that if the company won't pay for it, I will! 

That was a year ago, and I have learned so much since then (and constantly crave new ideas and tips), that if someone told me I could no longer use Wrike, I would quit my job.

I have an Assistant, and with Wrike, we are so much better organized, meetings that took hours, now take minutes, we both know what each other has planned for the day, and where we are at any given time on every task and project. Her and I are the biggest advocates at our company for Wrike, yet we still can't get the others to "Wrike It", because "If it's not in Wrike, it doesn't exist."

Did I mention I 😍 Wrike.  Newest tip I discovered (besides being able to use emoticons in Workflow Status, too cool!) was that i created a request form that automatically creates the project using a template, assigns it, lines it up with a start and due date for our Website vendor. I used to have to get the email, create the project using the template, move the files over to it, set the dates, etc. So, maybe this External Request Form saves me 10 minutes, which may not seem like much, but add that up over time!!

I'm in Arizona, recently totally reconfigured all my folders in Wrike, and my Computer Folders to match that, and am a Wrike supporter for Life!!  I appreciate everyone and look forward to learning and sharing even more. 

Marj 🐱

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Welcome Marj:  I implemented Wrike at F5 Networks and when I moved to my new job, I made using Wrike a condition of taking the job.  You are so correct in your assessment, their customer support is superior.  We also employ the rule that if it's not in Wrike, it's just noise in the system.  Glad to meet another fellow Wriker. 

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Hi Patricia! It is very good to meet another Wriker. 

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Welcome Marj:  I implemented Wrike at F5 Networks and when I moved to my new job, I made using Wrike a condition of taking the job.  You are so correct in your assessment, their customer support is superior.  We also employ the rule that if it's not in Wrike, it's just noise in the system.  Glad to meet another fellow Wriker. 

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Hi everyone!

My name is Kris, I'm the Assistant Program Coordinator with Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre. Kaiser Permanente is an integrated health network that provides healthcare to millions of people in the U.S. and within our specific department (Educational Theatre) we provide free health education to over 200,000 students, teachers, and families every year. Our goal is to enhance our impact with the communities we serve using the latest arts-based and theatrical techniques in order to educate and inspire our audiences to make healthier choices.

I have been with this company for 7 years, but I am new to this position and inheriting Wrike from my predecessor. The team I work with has been using Wrike since 2016 to varying degrees of success, having tried many other project management software programs and given up on them. It doesn't seem like there has been a strong enough push to really implement Wrike and use all of the available tools.

What I'm hoping to accomplish:

-Get my team to successfully adopt Wrike as a solution to tracking and managing our work

-Develop a tiered system that allows upper-management to have a clear high-level image of the work going on, while individuals can have a more detailed view of tasks that need to be accomplished

-Eliminate as many other platforms of communication as possible. We currently use Outlook, Wrike, Google Sheets, web-based calendars, shared drives, and a bunch of other systems, and it can be really difficult to track information. I'd love to get as much of our work focused into one platform as possible. 

About me:

-I'm a theatre artist and graphic designer, so new to my Coordinator role but loving the challenge and new knowledge

-I have a dog name Beckett and a big fat cat named Ender (both nerdy references)

-I. Love. Milkshakes. 


So far, I've implemented some great ideas from articles in the Community Page, participated in the Calendars Webinar, and have a pending post regarding some desires I have about the list view for Projects. I'm loving the Wrike Community so far and look forward to learning and growing together!


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Hi everyone

My name is Perrie Howes, Marketing Traffic Coordinator here at Safelite AutoGlass. *insert jingle*

You can read more about how I launched Wrike here, with the support and buy in of our fantastic Creative team. I absolutely love doing things the Wrike way and would be happy to help, particularly within marketing sectors. 

While we initially launched with our Creative folks, our entire Marketing department is on board! We're learning daily and have a growing team, so if you have best practices around custom fields and using Wrike for event management, I'm all ears!

About me

I'm a twin, and absolutely love it!
Los Angeles native living in the Midwest
I've crossed 22 countries off my bucket list, hoping to get 10 more by 2020




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@all - Perrie's blog post above is really interesting, I'd take a few minutes to give it a read 👍

Hey Perrie! Great to get to know you a little better 🙂 

I want to share these posts about Custom Fields in the Best Practice section. Don't hold back from getting involved in the discussions there!

Custom Fields

Wrike Tip - Clean Reporting using Custom Fields

Best practices

My colleague and I were talking today about the possible Workflows and Statuses that Creative teams use. It would be great to hear how guys approach task Statuses. You can start a discussion in the Best Practice section - I'm sure other similar teams would be interested in discussing this too!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Hi everyone I'm Balázs! I'm the Project Team Leader in our company ZAJ Rendszerház Kft. We started using Wrike like 2 months ago, our deployment process just finished today. Basically we are staisfied with the program so far. 

We would like to share our experiences with other companies from HUNGARY! It would be much easier to communicate in our native language and share the information about how they set up their workflows and figure out the best way we can use Wrike. :)


Kedves Wrike Felhasználó!

Szeretnénk beszélgetni olyan itthoni cégek képviselőivel, akik már használják a Wrike-ot. Információ csere, tippek-trükkök, minden érdekes lehet, hogy minél effektívebben tudjuk bevezetni a rendszert a cég munkafolyamataiba. 

Amennyiben érdekelné egy ilyen brainstorming lehetőség kérem keressen fel telefonon vagy emailen a honlapunkon található elérhetőségeken - ZAJ Rendszerház Kft.


Strobek Balázs

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Dear Stephen!


You wrote to someone before that we can visit read.wrike.com when the internet is down, so we can continue to work offline. Well it doesn't work actually. I tried and I can not reach any site obviuously when the internet is down. I guess Wrike stores the data on my hard drive but how can we reach it directly offline?

Thanks for your answer.

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@Strokek, jó napot! Feel free to start a thread asking people in your region to join you there to chat in Hungarian. I'll do my best to help out on the thread too, but bear with me, my Hungarian will be from Google translate 🙃

As for the read.wrike.com, there are no reported issues and I am not having an issue on my end. Can you let me know what happens when you visit the read-only site? Thanks

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@Stephen Well, it's a site. And no site will load if you dont have internet connection. I might read wrong the above mentioned thread, but as far as I understood Madhusudan asked if there is any way to continue using work on Wrike if the internet is down. If I turn off my internet connection then https://read.wrike.com will not load :)

Did I missunderstand something?

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Hi Strobek, The read-only version of Wrike means you need to have your own connection to the internet. This option is only available if we at Wrike are experiencing any downtime due to planned and unplanned enhancements.

Thanks for the clarification and sorry for any confusion!

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@all - check out this post about your own Community Profile page. This space helps you connect with others in your industry by sharing a little more about your role, industry or anything you want to share. It also gives you the chance to follow others you want to learn from 👍

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Nice to meet all of you! 

My workplace is IQS Directory

IQS Directory is an online manufacturer search directory https://iqsdirectory.com 

What are some of your favorite features of wrike.com?

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Hi Mike! Nice to meet you and welcome to Community!

Good question - for me, I like them all 😎But if I had to pick one, it would be Calendars. I love having an overview of the month's tasks in this view.

Looking forward to hearing others answer to that one. For now, what about you, what's your fave feature?

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Folllowing List for Post: [Welcome!] New to the Community? Introduce yourself! 👋
[this list is visible for admins and agents only]

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