[From Wrike] Rich Text In Custom Fields Is Here! 💫

Hi everyone, happy New Year! ✨

Here’s our first exciting release of 2024 🥁: our team has just introduced rich text formatting for text-type custom fields!  🥳

Now, you’re able to use the same formatting in text custom fields that’s available in Wrike comments: bold, italic, strikethrough, bullets, and more! 

To enable formatting, just highlight the text and you’ll see the formatting options:

This update brings you the ability to also hyperlink your text:

Rich text formatting will work for you in our exciting New Table and New Board views, as well as the Item view, and reports.

In Wrike reports, you’ll be able to wrap text to see the full formatted comment. This option is also planned for the New Table view - we’ll keep you posted on when it’s available 🙂At the moment, you can open the field or just hover over it to see the full content.

We really hope this is an exciting update for many of you, so please try it and let us know your thoughts below 👇

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Thanks! 🙏🏻

I've testing the rich text formatting changes in some of my custom fields successfully.

Will color formatting be added further down the road?

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This update is great! Will wrap text become part of this rich editing functionality? 


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That's great, but what about rich text in request forms? What if we want to populate that custom field with a response from a request form and have the text already formatted by the submitting user? 

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Hi Lisa, great news, is it possible to do that with API?

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Good news!

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My team was caught off guard by this change. We have a system that pulls text content via the Wrike API and noticed that newline characters (\n), as well as others, are now coming over as <br> tags. Is there a way to disable rich text formatting on these fields?

More importantly, is there a way Wrike can notify developers of upcoming features that will affect the API so they can properly prepare?

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Are there plans to bring this functionality up to speed with Analyze?

We want to get hyperlinks and such in notes fields to carry over to analytics boards; however, when testing, this is the result:

Also, I agree with Ryan Beggs - This may impact some integrations that I have configured with Workato downstream if a general user utilizes rich text in a field and my recipe needs to prepare for it. 

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these changes should be published in Labs first

hyperlink to a email adres works manually 'mailto:johndoe@test.com". Should be great if this can be made automatically like hyperlinks.

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Hmm, sounds nice but could someone help with a use case from day to day project business for this? I have no idea where this would lighten up our work.

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This update messed up my automations by tweaking email addresses I had stored in text fields and pull via API. I have daily automations that are broken now because of this change - high priority ticket was placed, and still no fix.  I agree with comments that this should have been rolled out in labs first (Jacco) - and definitely tested better - and notification sent out prior (Ryan).

Grateful for new features, but when they break existing things, that's not so great.

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This functionality does not currently transition over to Analyze reports
Is there a timeline for that?

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Hi folks! Appreciate your feedback - we’ve passed it to the responsible Product team 👍

Chip Linthicum Jr Thank you, our team will consider color formatting in the future.

Melissa DeKoff Not yet, but our team is actively working on wrap text at the moment, we’ll let you know when it’s available.

Sarah Dungey Thanks for suggesting, I’ve shared your feedback with the team that owns request forms. 

Sébastien Bouillon It’s possible with API. Text with html could be passed through API, and formatting will work in Wrike. We are planning to add information in the Wrike Developers portal on what HTML tags are supported.

Pietro Poli Thank you 🙌

Ryan Beggs Currently there’s no way to disable rich text formatting. The only workaround for now is not to use it in the fields. Our team is currently thinking of a solution to be able to pull the plain text version via API.

Brian Gotti There are no immediate plans for this, but the team is aware of your feedback, thank you! 

Jacco Stam The team is already working on this bug, and soon email addresses will be automatically supported as hyperlinks.

Claudia Tietze You can use it for a more structured project status update/comment or to paste links to external resources with the hyperlink functionality. Hope this helps!

Ken Hayes I apologize for this issue, our team is already working on fixing it. 

Todd A. Spencer The team is not planning this functionality at the moment, but they’ll consider it for the future.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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The feature I didn't know I needed. We will definitely make use of this feature!

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Great Heather McCoy 😍 Please feel free to share with the Community how you're using it 🙂

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I was excited about this new release with the ability to format text as many of our team members were frustrated with the inability to easily bulletize and format their notes or updates.  It looks great within Wrike and even on the report, when viewed in Wrike.  However, when you export the report in order to send it to those outside of Wrike, the formatting is lost and the field is filled with "<br/>, <strong>, <ul><li>, and additional codes.  Great feature but needs some more work. 

I agree with Brian that having this formatting displayed in Analyer would be great!!

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Like others have said, this shows up really poorly in exports - the html tags are present, meaning someone either has to remove them by hand or copy paste from Wrike to Excel in order to get a readable version. Is there a plan to fix this? 

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Thank you folks, our team is looking into your feedback! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa any update on the problem with html tags in the export and Analyze reports?

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Hi Melissa Gallo! I've discussed this with the Product team: for exporting to Excel, there should now be a cleared version without html tags because Excel doesn't support all formatting options. For Analyze reports, the formatting isn't supported (it will be shown as plain text). 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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is there a way to indent / deindent a list?

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Hi Kelly Hinkson, apologies for the late reply here!

There are no immediate plans for it, but it would be great if you could share some detail on your use case! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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When I export from table views into excel all of the lovely rich text formatting of my bulleted lists is dropped and there are carriage returns in between each line of what was previously formatted. Looks awful. Is this how it's supposed to work in downloaded exports/.xlsx files? Is there any way to keep the formatting when downloading? We would love to use bullets because, along with the great addition of wrapping text in the UI, it makes consuming info a ton more pleasant when you're actually in the UI itself, but we still need to be able to download that data in the same bulleted format for sharing with other teams (especially since we can't share dashboards with those who only have Collaborator licenses).

This: (lovely)

Becomes this: (not great, especially that there's now TWO carriage returns imbedded after the 2nd line.)

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Hey Amy 🙋🏻‍♀️
Thank you for your feedback. That seems to be the case, so I have passed it on to our product team for consideration. I'd also recommend posting this feedback separately in our Product Feedback forum. We will keep you in the loop with any updates. 😊

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Basudha Sakshyarika Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию

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