Effort disappears when updating dates
Whenever I change/update a date in Table view - the Effort disappears. This is incredibly frustrating. Am I doing something wrong, or does this happen to others? And is there a workaround?
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Whenever I change/update a date in Table view - the Effort disappears. This is incredibly frustrating. Am I doing something wrong, or does this happen to others? And is there a workaround?
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Hi Christina Strayer,
I've seen the same issue. At the first I supposed my error, but if you have the same problem I think is a platform problem.
HI Christina Strayer, Pietro Poli, this doesn't sound right.
Thanks for flagging, I've let the team know and we'll keep you updated.
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Elaine Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Hey again Christina Strayer, Pietro Poli, our team need to take a closer look at this to see what's happening, so I've raised Support tickets for you both. An agent will be in touch shortly to help 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Elaine Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Thanks Elaine
Is there any update on this issue? This is really a problem for our company.