[From Wrike] Exciting Item View Update: Mode Switcher ⚡️
Hello Community 🙂
We couldn’t be happier to announce a few updates for Wrike’s Item view today!
You may remember that we’ve been working with your feedback on Item view and our Product team has recently announced more upcoming enhancements to ensure your smooth experience with the Item view. We have now released them and we would like to take a moment to say a HUGE thank you for sharing your feedback! 💚
Now, to the updates 👇
- Mode Switcher
To enhance your navigation experience, we've now introduced the Mode Switcher. This new feature allows you to switch between a side-panel view or a rolling-down section for your system and custom fields. You now have the flexibility to choose the view that best suits your workflow and preference.
- Improved Field Visibility in Rolling-Down Mode
We've made significant improvements to the "rolling-down" mode. Now, fields will be displayed in more than one column depending on the number of fields and the Item view’s width. This enhanced visibility will enable you to access and manage your fields more efficiently.
- Save "More/Less" State
Based on your feedback, we've also added a feature to save the "More/Less" state. This means that your preferred view state will be saved and reinstated the next time you log in, making your navigation smoother and more personalized.
What’s next 📌
Our team is planning to also revisit the location field user experience and its position as well as some other popular actions. Stay tuned for more updates!
We're incredibly excited about these updates and believe they will significantly improve your Wrike experience. We hope that you really like these updates.
As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to continue sharing your feedback below 👇
Thank you for being an integral part of the Wrike journey 🤗
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Fantastic thank you all so much for reimplementing this feature!
However there is one tiny adjustment my team would like to request: currently there is no way to extend the column widths if the name of the custom field is too long. It then becomes cut off, making it difficult to determine exactly which custom field is which if there are multiple that are similar. Can you please add the ability to adjust the column widths or make them by default extend to show the full name of the custom field? Thank you!
Thank you for implementing this update! I love that it now "remembers" your preference from one session to the next. Also I do like you have the choice as I like the fields on the side, but some on my team like it at the top.
Thank you for this update
Really excellent. Thank you for receiving the feedback and working quickly on a nice solution!
Thank you so much - or to say it with the words of my team members:
Looking forward to the next improvements - thanks for listening to the community! :)
The two-column view is much better! And thanks for bringing back the right-hand column! I arranged the fields in custom item types related to how important the information is to related tasks, which is best displayed in that right-hand column.
I appreciate the Wrike team listening and evolving in real-time!
Agreed, really appreciate the Wrike team for implementing the option to present the old layout! This goes a long way to making our tasks visually cleaner and easier to work within.
Thank you for the update! I appreciate your willingness to listen, quickly pivot and offer alternate views.
Thank you for the update! The second column is great and I can still keep my preferred side view. I would love to see the location available as a fourth option. It feels inconsistent - sometimes I can see the file/project destination at the top, other times I do not see that. Being able to easily click into the home location would be very helpful.
Awesome! Thank you for the update!
Nice to have this flexibility.
However, I'm not able to see two columns of custom fields on my monitor without turning of the left nav bar, which is frustrating. My monitor is 1920x1200. So it's (I think) a totally normal resolution for a desktop monitor. I can see two columns just fine on my other monitor which is 3840x2160. I would humbly request that the width requirement for the task view be tweaked slightly. Otherwise I have to pull the task list so far over I can't see the names of the tasks.
All the "default" fields up at the top are totally useless to us for everyday work except for the location tag, which I'm so glad to hear they are putting that someplace else (hopefully back by the task title where it belongs because that's where it's relevant). Once the location moves, I would prefer to see the other fields up at the top or have the option to say which of those sections gets displayed first. I'd rather see the fields we have and have the dropdown to see "more task info" as opposed to the other way around (the way it is now).
Also, on the thread of "other popular actions" I really miss having access to the green + button all the time. You can't see it when a task is open because the task comes in over the top of it in the right hand corner. Since the left nav bar is there all the time now, it'd be nice if it was over there somewhere. My specific use case is we might be in a marketing meeting talking about emails, but we discover we need a new task for a blog which is in a different folder in the space. Before, I didn't have to navigate away from what I was doing to make a new task in a different location.
I would also like to see an update in the left nav bar. If you have all my spaces enabled, I'd like it so if you click on a space it takes you right to the space with one click instead of having to then click on "space overview." It should just go there, the space overview option could then be deleted, and then we'll lose some unnecessary clutter in that nav menu.
Also - love the flexibility to adjust the See More View with the mode switcher!!
Agree on the ability to see longer names of the CFs too - so even if truncated, a way to hover to see the full name would be fantastic.
Another side note - is the hover state (when the left nav panel is closed) is awkward again. If you are in Wrike Analyze or some of the other views and trying to interact on anything that is adjacent to the navigation - it hovers out and is disruptive... I think this was feedback that was addressed some time ago in early lightspeed feedback days, to make the "hover hit state" closer to the top left hamburger menu - but it's more in the way again...
AND YAY on the location move - looking forward to seeing what the Wrike team comes up with!
Thank you so much for listening to the feedback and incorporating this so quickly! It would be nice to have the custom fields at the top of the view under the location, the information currently there feels redundant. Unless there's a way to modify the view of the custom field sidebar to adjust the information off or down that I'm not seeing? Either way, it's spectacular and appreciated to have that flexibility. Maybe the search bar will be adjusted to be more accessible next?
Lisa thank you so much. Its exciting to see have mode switcher! Looking forward to see updates on Location field.
There is one important feedback. When a project is added to the Location field, relevant and configured fields related to that specific project do not appear automatically. It requires browser to be refreshed to get the relevant custom fields. Its quite irritating and time consuming. In the old side bar, this was automatic , there was no need to refresh the browser. Please fix this issue.
Good step forward. If you could no also install a mode with with columns on the right it would be great as it would use big monitors much more efficient.
That was the perfect solution
Thank you for such positive feedback, we really appreciate it. We're happy to see how welcome this solution is 🤩
Slava and the team responsible for the Item view continue to monitor your feedback, thanks for sharing additional ideas 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
This is a great update. I like how remembers our preferences. Wrike doing great things.
Such a great improvement to the UX! THANK YOU for listening to the user feedback and quickly implementing an improvement!
I'm curious if you're also investigating the ability to customize the layout of Folders, Projects and Tasks? At the Space level would be awesome, but even the overall account level would be helpful. Like many others, I would love to be able to customize the top bar of Tasks and Folders with the info that is most relevant to us like the status, due date, and owner. As an example, the Folder view has three data points at the top that are totally useless to us for everyday purposes (author, created date and ID). This ability to customize the built-in item types would be so helpful so we can maximize the value of Wrike, enabling us to work even faster. Thanks so much for listening and for the continuous improvements!
Thank you for the update, Wrike team.
The preference option is very support for the Wrike users along with the two columns as someone had mentioned.
It made it easier to see the information without getting overwhelmed.
Thank you for your feedback, everyone! We're really happy to see that you like this update 🤩
Daisy Hibbard I'll send your further suggestions to the team shortly 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks for the update!
Very nice to have the right-side column back. Thank you! That was my favorite part of the new home page - while it lasted.
Keep up the fantastic work!
We're so happy you like this update 🤗
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
We have one custom field for our financial cost codes which are pretty long. We used to be able to type in the first half of the code to see the correct one to select (a lot start with the same first digits) but the column width has now shortened and now this isn't possible. I don't know how else we can now select the right code as we can't see it. Can this be sorted please. Thanks
Thank you for sharing your feedback Suzanne Carter, I'll now let our team know 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
A compact view option would be helpful if we don't mind the fields being a little more compressed.
Hey Brett Williams, we have just announced the new compact view for the top fields in the latest weekly release note 🙂
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover