Auto Completion of Project when all tasks are completed

Currently you have to manually check to ensure all tasks in a project are completed and then change the status of the project manually to "Completed". 

This means that when you go to run reports to see all completed projects, nothing shows up. 


It would be great if projects AUTOMATICALLY change to Completed status when all tasks within the project are marked complete. This makes it so you don't need the additional step (which isn't assigned to anyone) to check it off complete. 

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Agreed. Or at least a notification "hey all the tasks are complete, do you want to mark the project complete?"

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Totally agree!  Is there any way we could get this in front of more people to chime in on?

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Absolutely agree! Companies with hight worload would appreciate this feature. This is something that I really miss.

It would be also great, to allow the personalization of the "project status"...



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Do you have any news about this feature ?

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Would it also be possible to have these projects that auto complete after all tasks are completed move to a "completed" folder?

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Hi everyone, I don't have any updates about this one, but I'll try to refer other Community members here when possible so that the suggestion could get more votes. And of course, I'll get back to you when I have news. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This absolutely needs to happen.  Our company manages a ton of projects and having to manually go back and check the box when it could be done automatically is arduous and unnecessary.  I'd love to hear that this is making headway into the development cycle.

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big +1 - you already have this for tasks/subtasks.  other tools like Clubhouse have it, you can do it with Jira automation.  You guys have a great set up with folders and projects, real differentiator with your hierarchy vs. about all other tools out there, and this would give the projects that extra dynamic vs. folders to really track work and represent goals & completed initiatives.  

A related functionality to close all tasks if you try to close a project would also be great.

Hope you guys get this done soon, a real big piece for my team!

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Agreed, this is a highly needed feature. 

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Hey everyone, apologies for the delay in response here.

While the Product team is interested in this suggestion, there are no plans to add this to the short-term roadmap. If anything changes, I'll be sure to let you know.

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You are theoretically supposed to be able to do this utilizing Wrike Integrate, however, our rep was never able to show us how to accomplish this. 

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In addition I think if a project is marked complete all tasks should be as well. 

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Hey everyone,

There is a tutorial for how to auto-complete a project when all tasks are completed through Wrike Integrate in this Wrike Discover course. If there are any further updates about this suggestion, I'll be sure to let you know.

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Link to the Discover course doesn't work...?

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Hi Sara Psachos, thanks for flagging. This is an older comment and the course has since been sunsetted. However, our 404 Optimizing your work process (for Team plan users) covers the automation mentioned here. Also, if you're on a Business plan or higher, the automations practical exercise in the course will apply and will addresses Space level automations. I hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything else. 

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Aprenda sobre as funcionalidades e melhores práticas em Wrike com o nosso Treinamento Webinar Online

Elaine Wrike Team member Aprenda sobre as funcionalidades e melhores práticas em Wrike com o nosso Treinamento Webinar Online

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I hope to bring attention back to this! It seems silly that this isn't already a feature. It seems simple that there would be an automation for if all tasks within a project are complete, then the project is marked complete.

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Alison McCarthy You can definitely create an automation for this if you have a plan that includes them. We had set up, and then later had to turn off, an automation for this.

We were finding projects being closed out too by wrike too quickly and dropping from people's dashboards and reports, because the full task lists were not built out up front—or in some cases the scope was expanding as it went. Spending time to going and find the project once it had been prematurely marked complete, to be able to add the new tasks and change the status back, became more of an issue than just having a project just accidentally left open for too long. So after a few complaints of this we had to pause the automation.

In an ideal world obviously we'd have complete task lists to start with, or maybe with a dedicated project manager or admins one would be able to prep everything better, but we manage our own on the fly as we go so it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped for us. Being able to turn it off was vital for us, vs having it be a built in feature.

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