Mass update of effort

Didn't find this with a search but all task effort can be updated by exporting the tasks to Excel, putting numbers in the Effort column, then import the tasks to Wrike.

Note that the import converts the effort to 24 hour days. For example, if 4 is the effort number in the Effort column in Excel for a task, when importing the Excel task into Wrike, the number that will be displayed for the task's effort will be 96 (4 x 24). So to display the imported number as hours, divide by 24. For example, to display 4 hours for effort when the task is imported in Wrike, the value in Effort column in Excel should be 4/24 = 0.1667. Use the formula in Excel then do a Copy > Paste Values before importing since Wrike doesn't like importing Excel formulas.

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Edward Pound I do not understand why are you doing this via Excel? You can see the effort in the table view in Wrike and edit their. So you can mass edit the effort in Wrike without the extra steps to export and import.

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Sven Passinger As I understand it, changing the tags in Wrike can only be done task by task which involves a tremendous amount of clicks for anything other than a few tasks. Using Excel, the updates can be done much more quickly on a large number of tasks. Does that make sense or am I missing something?

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Edward Pound I do not understand what you mean with tags. In the first post you wrote you want to change the effort. And this is just a number in a task you can show up in table view and edit there like in Excel (without formula, but I can not see how a formula could be usefull for effort, which has to be estimated by the people). So start in the top task and just by enter next row and so on. Same number in all tasks just by pull down the number.

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Sven Passinger I was missing something. Did not realize you could do the pull down to copy down numbers. Thanks for that.

My comment on tags was mixed up with another effort, that is, how to enable subtasks to display on the Board. The inability to display subtasks on the Board is a serious handicap for Wrike. The workaround I have seen proposed is to convert the subtask ghost tags to regular tags so the subtasks will show up on the Board. I played around with how to do that in Excel but it seems clunky so, instead, I'm not going to use subtasks and will number all tasks and use the numbering to delineate "subtasks."  For example, create website is the task "1000 Create Website". Define website content task is then "1100 Define Content."

The Excel approach, if perfected, would be faster than going into each subtask to change the ghost tag to a regular tag but it seems more expedient to use the sequential numbering to designate "subtasks".

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Sven Passinger thanks for your explanation. Very helpful!

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