iOS "Share" button function/integration

Hello fellow users out there.
Allow me to share a suggestion I raised multiple times to the Wrike support but that - I presume - will really make it into a next update if we might be more users to support this.
And is : wouldn't it be great to have Wrike integrated in the "Share" functions of iOS?
As exist for so many applications : saving to Dropbox, adding to Photos, adding to Omnifocus, sending to Skype, running Workflow and many many others.

Would be so useful in following examples to Wrike :
> having taken a photo : direct input into a new for existing task
> having taken a note : converting it to a new task in Wrike or adding it to the description or comment of an existing task
> having written a chat in Skype or received a file/photo we need in Wrike
> export from out of Dropbox, Files, ...

And way around, out of Wrike :
> adding a task to OS Calendar (as exist for OmniFocus for example)
> saving a photo from a task to an OS Photos album (same for File attachments)

Actually we always first have to start-up Wrike, look for desired task or folder and only then can perform above written actions.

Hope most of you see the use of this and/or may even add suggestions.
We'll read and see it happen in Wrike soon :)
Have a nice day.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Dries This is the right place to share feedback! Thanks for posting 😊

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Researching a lot on the web/on Ipad and would need the feature to have write integrated in the share "function".

It would be best if from a webpage, the site-title would be the task title and the URL would be populated in the description of the task. 

As a bonus a screenshot of the website is also attached.

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Please Support X-Callback URLs for Siri Shortcuts and Drafts integration as well as the iOS share sheet. I’m including this because I brlieve they are related in the coding features because apps that have one almost always have the other.

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The Share function would be really handy!

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I am a GTD evangelist and my key collection tool is the Drafts app. I need to be able to easily get the Drafts into Wrike tasks. The best way is for us to be able to utilize the native iOS Share Sheet functionality.

Please implement this feature!

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I am in full agreement! This feature would accelerate Wrike engagement for existing users by allowing them to swiftly add to their Wrike Inbox. Categorizing in-line would be the second function. Customers currently use multiple tools to curate content. Each time they are presented with an option to “Share” in iOS, they are presented with your competition which nudges them back to the “evaluation” stage. Increase purchase conversion rates and reduce churn. Begin with the simple first stage of adding content to their Wrike inbox and measure customer engagement “Share” activity as well as increased Wrike iOS activity. Create an audience segment that includes this “Share” touch-point and compare all stats for this audience to the rest of your IOS customers.  It will justify investment/priority to add the second function of categorizing and assigning (similar to Chrome app and Gmail integration). If the numbers aren’t there, kill it. 

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I was amazed to see this is not available yet.  You guys did a great update to the app last year, and you have a terrific youtube integration, but without this, I cannot share any videos directly to Wrike with one click!  In the meantime, when I hit the "share" Wrike is not there and I have to go through many more clicks to get the content saved.  Same for webpages in Safari, Chrome.  The extra clicks very problematic when on the go, which is most of the time when you are using iOS in the first place!

To be clear, I'm talking about the menu in this image.  Notice all the other competitors' apps that are available here - most of which are just on my phone for demo purposes as to be clear I am all in on Wrike!

Thanks guys, really hoping this is not a big one to add and you may be already planning it...

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Guys any update on this?  Over 1/2 year since I last posted, seems like such a basic feature nowadays, and does limit my workflow when I see stuff on the web that I want to quickly post to my team as an idea and further act on in Wrike.

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Hi everyone! I've checked with the team, and this is not on the short-term roadmap. At the same time, they might be able to get to it this year, but no sooner than Q3. I'll let you know when I have further updates. Thanks for suggesting and supporting! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi, please reconsider. Just about all my other IOS apps are able to be used in this way. Not sure Wrike is a laggard?

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@Al Sape, your post(s) are so strong, correct and good example certainly with that screenshot ;-) lets see and hope for Q3 .. 🙏🏼

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Dries Vanderelst thanks for the support!  I have gotten jaded on the Wrike Roadmap over the last few years, this is another feature that seems senseless that they don't have.  Real shame as the iOS app is really great.  This and many other related, essential features of Wrike that are not being pursued has sadly left me to seek another solution.  My subscription is about to expire and I won't be renewing...Good luck with Q3, but I've heard that before around here and I'd be surprise if they ever get to this!

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Hey Al Sape, I see we share the same feelings concerning the Wrike Roadmap .. Though, neither you should get jaded on it .. (!!) ;-)

I imagine that it ain't an easy one for the Product Team as they might have a enormous bunch of subjects to handle - I've read a lot on the community - and don't get me wrong - yes, I agree most suggestions really really make good sense. Though I presume that in order that they keep the correct balance between workload, performance en effectiveness of updates it just is impossible for them to start programming for any and all subjects raised. One of the strong features of the Wrike Platform is that you can set it completely to your working style and ethic. And so this just is where our posted subjects into the community come from :) We see them as "missing functions" but logically they are related to our personal style and personal needs and methods into Wrike. It is nothing 'dysfunctional'. We have to agree that Wrike has come a long way and has A LOT of possibilities inside. And honestly, when some suggestions really made the best sense, they were effectively released :)

Permit me suggesting you to re-consider moving to other apps. I've seen them (almost) all and Wrike really is the overall most complete and best out there - even if the Roadmap does not always releases all the stuff we really wanted ... It easy to live with our 'Roadmap frustrations' when quite regularly appears the 'announcement' blue bar appears on top of the screen = updates 'under the hood'. Sure you have seen this .. This is a very strong signal (Zoho goes at the same pace, and they also are very very decent SaaS platform)

Hope your can obtain the same patience I did and hope you will stay. :) We will get that iOS Sharing button :) I'm quite sure the Product Team completely understands the utility and huge time-saver aspects related to but .. I also understand they have to make that call to the Apple iOS and Android OS team and get the codes and permissions and that they have to study the statistics about the Wrike mobile app usage to estimate and consider the worth of the develop of the button .. etc etc ... And in the meantime .. every time you and me want to outperform the action to immediately share content to Wrike out of any other app and we can't cause they are still considering the worth of investment .. we nag about it BUT in the same time think of all the rest of functions that yes is possible and makes us so productive ;-)

All the best and sincere regards.   

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Hey Dries Vanderelst appreciate that commentary.  However, my frustration has built during my years with Wrike - on a few licenses in fact - and I do think that in the last 2 - 3 years there has been a revolution in the space and indeed much of what I need is now offered in other apps - Zoho I might add I also consider a dinosaur among things like LiquidPlanner, Podio, and other early players in the space that are not moving quickly.  Asana is another, but they seem to have more agile habits and I have to give them credit for releasing some stuff lately that Wrike is lacking:  


- Ability to @mention a task within another task - hugely helpful and ignored request on this board; 

- Convert a Task into a Project - something I desperately need, again ignored by Wrike - demoted in fact! - and in stuff like Hive and ClickUp as well, but just in the last year;

- Good integration with repo control tools - I do software development.  Unito and Wrike Integrate don't count as you get no visibility two-way - they are doing everything invisibly, and this leads to a lot of errors when mapping changes, etc.

- New features like Portfolios, Goals, in-team Conversations (another request Wrike is not addressing), etc.

And I'm talking about Asana which otherwise is moving very slowly compared to a lot of other stuff!

Then you have the new wave tools like ClickUp, Notion, Coda, Fibery, Hive, Monday, I could go on forever...that iterate much more quickly, are built on modern platforms (Wrike is getting very old) and are starting to offer a lot more.  Another thing I really was hoping for out of Wrike are actual task relationships, not hierarchy.  This is essential in things like CRM and other use cases.  Many of these tools offer this, and you get much more flexibility when you can relate as you need, and not just build top-down hierarchies, which granted is a great feature of Wrike.

I do agree that Wrike is an incredibly flexible tool that I was able to build some workflows in much more seamlessly than in other stuff, like say Zoho which I've tried.  However, it becomes limiting when trying to manage things like the aforementioned CRM - what is the client - a folder or Task?  And what is the "contact" at the client?  Wrike's limited views and other limitations make these choices wind up in much different implementations.  In a nocode solution like Notion, you don't have this issue.

Wrike seems to be riding the enterprise gravy train and perhaps they can keep that going a long time with marketing teams and huge contracts with 1000's of users that are lucrative and probably don't force them to take product improvements seriously - Enterprise clients tend to balk at changes once they get used to workflows, so in actuality Wrike may not be iterating on purpose!  I am a small team and I need things that Wrike could easily fix, like ordering of comments by most recent, custom task ID's, a useable Kanban board (with at least most of the useful fields in a task being visible), etc. but I have lost faith that's going to happen.  A real shame, as some aspects of Wrike remain unique in the market, and I had hoped not to have to move on.

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Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your feedback and support of the suggestion! 

Here's what's happening with this idea now - the team still has plans to work on it, but for now, the work is postponed until Q4. I will be checking with the Product team again next month to find out how it's going and I'll let you know as soon as I have an update. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa, what is the latest here?  Once again we have another request shamelessly given lip service with your empty "maybe this quarter" comments that repeat quarter in, quarter out...

This is a basic I can't understand how you guys can simply continue to leave out of your fundamental toolset.  I've already had a need for this a few times this week, and been extremely frustrated with the workaround as without this, I have to copy or otherwise capture the content I want to save to Wrike another way, fire up the app, and then try to save.  The app is awkward as well as you can't easily attach or paste anything when you are in the task creation window, it's only after the task is created that you can, via many more steps, actually add the content.

Fully agree with the recent comments of colleagues Bill Vincent, Michael Johnson, Phillip Adams, Brad James and John Rakoczy.  Not sure if any of you have seen this request as it's pretty obscure, but add it to the huge list of ones that are summarily dismissed by Wrike!

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Hi Al Sape, I'm sorry for the late reply here! The team let me know that they have this in their plans, but unfortunately, they don't have an ETA yet, so we'll keep you posted. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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