[Answered] Timebudget for tasks
In our firm, the employees have requested a good visualization of how much time they are expected to use on different tasks. Is there any good way to visualize expected time-use on ta task in Wrike?
This could be really helpfull in combination with the time-tracking tool that tells you how much time you have used.
You can change the duration of a task various different ways in the system. That way there is a time block or expected amount of time set for a task. It also lays out how long an entire project should take.
On the list task view, click on the task you want
Click Set Date
You then can allocate how many days, hours, and minutes the task should take.
It can also be adjusted in the Timeline View by adding d, h, m (day, hour, minute) times.
Thanks for the tip Wheelwright.
This could be quite helpfull in most cases. But in our firm we do have many tasks with duration for more than a day, even though employees are expected to use only two or three hours. This could be because the task should be done on tuesday or wednesday, or because it may be necessary to work on the task both tuesday and wednesday for some reason. In such occations it will be a divergence between "duration" in wrike, and a reasonable time budget.
Any way to get around this problem?
Are you referring to task "effort"? I am new to Wrike and found out that you can turn on "effort estimate" in Wrike Labs. That way, you have both duration and effort for a task. For example, the task is 6 hours but duration is 5 days with start and end date. So your budget for the effort is your estimate, your schedule is the duration.
Take a look at this page: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/articles/209604089-Effort-Allocation#enable
Thank you Hakioglu, that is exactly what I was looking for!