Translating Tasks into Wrike

A major theme I run into when working with Project Managers during a Wrike implementation is how to translate tasks in to Wrike. Most folks’ first thought is to import a project from Excel or MS Project. That's one way to go but the important thing to keep in mind is that, with Wrike, you’ve now incorporated collaboration into your project management.
Here are some tips for translating tasks into Wrike:
- Less is more! Initially, try to limit your tasks to as few as possible so you don't overwhelm users. Simplifying things helps get everyone on board and speaking the same language. 
- Use the description field. Can certain elements of the task be placed in the task's description field? If the assignee is the same, try using the task list function in the description field. 
- Use action words in titles. Make sure each task has an output. The easiest way to do so is to make sure every tasks begins with an action word such as Create, Gather, Review, Organize, Build, etc. 
- Use milestone tasks to mark important days. Milestones in Wrike help tell you which days are important. For example, use milestones for: Launch dates, Go Live dates, or Publish dates. Utilize them to help users plan for the big day!
- And most importantly: encourage collaboration! Allow your users to make edits or suggest edits to project plans. The more brain power, the better!
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