"I'd like access please" button when Item not shared

We frequently share hyperlinks to items in Wrike (in PowerPoint presentations, team documentation, group Teams messages or as a Tab in Teams, etc.) but when someone clicks it and doesn't have access to that item we wish that the error message would be similar to OneDrive with an "I'd like access please" button.  When the Wrike user clicks the button it would @mention the Author and Owner/Assignee that they've requested access.  Right now it just says "that item isn't shared with you" but you can't do anything about it (and then have to reach out to the help desk to find out who created the item which isn't shared with you so that you can reach out to them and request access).  Thanks for considering this much needed feature.

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Hi Meredith Selden, great shout! 

I can see how this would indeed be useful. We've passed this on to the team now 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Learn about Wrike’s killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars

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