Prompt for Time Tracking

I would like to be able to track our team's time more consistently. Often, I find myself a few hours in to a project, only to realize I failed to track my time. I realize I can add entries manually, but it would be great to be prompted to start the clock when I begin work. This is especially true for my partners, who are much less invested in the integration of Wrike into our activities. Might there be a way to nudge users to start the clock? For example, if I'm logged in but by time tracker is not activated, could a pop-up dialog appear to ask me on which task I'm working and start tracking my time? Perhaps it could ask how long I've already been working on a task, and then start the clock from there?

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I wish I could set a task so it cant be marked complete without a time entry. That would help so much!

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This would be amazing. I can't believe more folks aren't requesting it.

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Ivan, that's a great idea. I wish more people would request it, too, Jason!

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👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Diana Ascher,

I support this idea, and I'd like to add something: It often happens to me that I forget to stop a timer, especially when I make a break. Time tracking should be dependent on the duration of a task. if the tracking counts more than the duration, a popup should be displayed, even a push-message from the mobile app would be nice.

There could also be a reminder e.g. every 30 minutes on the mobile app, if a time tracking is running and no activity on the PC is recognized.

Many ideas to improve that stuff.

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