Adding more import formats, and especially from mindmapping/outlining tools

In our team, we use Coggle ( ) for MindMapping activities (very nice and cheap tool with the possibility to edit a mindmap collaboratively) and, of course, Wrike for Project Management.
Coggle can export in .mm file or Plain-Text files (using Tab for the level implementation).
None are available for direct import into Wrike.
There is no way to quickly and easily import a hierarchy of tasks, except for MicrosoftProject. But then we are not talking about some everyday usage, but more for full migration purpose. 
So, Xmind lets me read the .mm file, and then export it in MicrosoftProject file format, to end up into Wrike; so I get one potential solution...
... but it is quite awkward to have to go through a different MindMapping tool just to make some conversion.
And in general, I think having more ways to import some Work Breakdown Structure into Wrike would be a great addition to the tool.
Indeed, using a mind mapping tool  (or an outlining tool like OmniOutliner) is a great way to analysis current workflow or process withing teams and to prepare templates to be incorporated into Wrike.
In conclusion, please let us import .mm files ( or even text-based ones (with tab to represent subtasks or subprojects) to prepare project template more quickly
NB. : the currently available Excell format is not a way to import new hierarchies as it is strongly structured. You can edit existing exported one, but not create easily new ones from scratch
NB2. : I could work directly into Xmind, BUT a) Coggle is a collaborative tool (many editors at the same time) and b) Coggle is much nicer (clearly biased argument !)
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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Pascal, thanks for the detailed explanation, I definitely understand what you're trying to do and why. Your "NB" made me smile because I was going to mention the Excel import capabilities. Really quickly in terms of Excel, I can give you a template that you could use to import new files (essentially it would have a row with all of the columns required to be able to import successfully). 

We do offer two-way syncs with a couple of other platforms, but not with Coggle and not with .mm or plain text files. We'll make sure to direct others here if they have a similar request (so that they can +1 it). 

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agree, an easy, integrated back&forth between a mind-mapping-like visual presentation and the Project layout in Wrike would be a very handy way to accommodate multiple user preferences (some people just respond better to a visual, diagrammatic presentation) -- multiple presentational views of a Project and all its connections, dependencies and so on can also provide new insights

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j'utilise également le mindmapping pour les avantsprojets et suivi de projets, avec Xmind pro V8.

En revanche je ne vois pas comment exporter au format Microsoft projet comme proposé par Pascal.....

pascal pourriez-vous m'en dire plus ? Auciune extension .mmp dans le menu export de Xmind :((((

Côté Wrike , avez-vous avancé sur l'import de fichier .mm depuis la demande de Pascal en Juin dernier ?


Merci de votre aide


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@Florian, c'est dans le menu File >> Export sur Xmind sur  Mac :

Version: XMind 8 Update 2 (R3.7.2.201705011955) Activated as XMind 8 Update 2 Pro.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Bonjour @Guerbette ! Pour votre information, nous n'avons pas lancé de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour exporter ou importer des données dans Wrike.

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Is there a manner to create a mindmap with a tool linked to Wrike? I'm using mindjet for the moment but I'm really interested to link both view....

Do you have some news about it? Thank you for your help,

Kind regards

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