Monthly recurrence - workdays as due date
We have tasks to be done every X workday of each month, for example every 7th workday of each month. However it is only possible to set up a workday in the "daily recurrence option". Do you think it will be possible to create this feature also within monthly recurrence?
Hi Monika, thanks for posting! Just to make sure: the options to create a task every first/second/third specified day of the week of each month wouldn't work in any case, is that right?
I have the same situation. I need reports every 5th of the month and I want them on my team's tasks so there are no excuses.
Hi Raul! It sounds like you're looking for something like this:
Is that right? I also wanted to mention that we have a Recurrent Tasks Beta Program going on right now, just let me know if you'd like to give it a try :)
Hi Anastasia,
but we still can’t fix “workdays” in the monthly recurrence. Do you think it is something you can introduce in the future?
Hi Monika, thanks for following up! You're right about workdays - this isn't something we've implemented. It isn't on the roadmap at this moment, but we've shared this feedback with the team, so thank you for updating this topic!
Would just like to add my enthusiasm for a need to allow workday specific monthly re-occurrences.
We also have the need to set monthly recurring tasks to the last workday.
Agree this would be valuable!
Any progress on scheduling things on a specific workday each month or quarter? ie. Month Close + 18 working days to complete task x. or Quarter Close + 7 working days to complete task y.
Anyone know another program or calendar that handles this kind of planning?