[Status: Backburner ⌛️] Vote for the next Wrike feature: A need in Instachat

Instead of using comments as a system of chatting (yes, it is too slow), please develop something like the facebook messenger chat box with showing who is online, who's received a message, etc. And yes, admin of the account shouldnt see the content of private messaging between members of the account

Upvote 194
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Hi Andrey, this is a really exciting suggestion and I can definitely see how that would boost collaboration. I'd love to hear a bit more about how you and other users envision this, do you see it being tied in with the comments section or completely separate?

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I would also like to see a Chat feature available. We have a creative team of 6-10 people who use a number of chat features for internal communication gChat and Slack. It would be a great feature to have a basic Instachat in Wrike to communicate internally with our team. We sometimes have questions unrelated to a project or we have a few questions that each relate to separate projects and it becomes tedious to open each project/task to pose a question. Any chance this could be put on the roadmap?!

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Hi Jessica, thanks for voting for this! It’s too early to share any details, but our Product Team is currently exploring ways of enriching the communications experience in Wrike, so it's great to hear your thoughts and ideas about this. :)

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I am glad to see this is in the works - I just searched the help to see if there was anything like this because that is the only thing that I miss from using other platforms - being able to see who is online and speak with them immediately is a great feature that can help you collaborate with your team to move work quicker - I hope that something is in the works soon

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I agree - it would need to be a separate feature that is like an instant chat where you can see who is online right then and the messages are instant

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Tonya, thank you for weighing in on this request, it's great to hear your thoughts about this! :)

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Hi everyone! We have started a dedicated thread to learn more about your experience with Wrike in situations that require real time collaboration (e.g. taking notes during meetings) - our Product manager for Collaboration experience in Wrike is eager to dive into this topic. We will be glad to see your comments here and it would be precious if you took a moment to go through a quick survey to share more detailed feedback! Thank you in advance!

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What's new when it comes to chat flow/instant messaging within Wrike? What's the status?
Our team would love the ability to have a chat room where we could discuss general questions that isn't attached to specific projects. Something like the stream, but with text messages in stead. Is this an upcoming feature?

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This is vital. We look likely to be running four overlappng tasks (shifts) in any given day involving four individual team members and a team leader. They need to be able to chat in real-time to ensure no duplication of work and to bounce creative ideas off each other or share contacts/other resources.

As individual complete their allotted shift (task) they will leave the chat and be replaced by a new team member.

Ideally at the end of the day, the chat can be closed but a record kept, for future reference.

If you need more detail about why we need this and how we would use it - and why we are already using the task function in a different way,  just ask.

In addition, I think it would be useful to have a chat session for ideas and suggestions over a longer period - say 48 hours or even a week. We currently use comments in a task for this but it is cumbersome and ugly.

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Hi Oskar!

My apologies it took me so long to get back to you. While developing an in-built chat/messenger feature is not currently on the product roadmap, it is important for us to understand how vital this is in your daily work. If you don't mind sharing, please tell me, do you use a chat/messenger solution currently for work discussion outside Wrike? If yes, what solution is that?


Hi Chris,

Thank you for sharing your use case, this is quite unusual! I am definitely interested in hearing more: please feel free to describe the purpose of this solution for you, and the way you use tasks, it may be useful for other users as well as our Product team! And the same question as I asked Oscar, is for you: I would love to hear if you have seen (or used) an existing solution for your case.

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I run a team of freelances in a virtual news room. Until now I have been commissioning individual features, analysis and news articles using a separate task for each. Each task is allocated a price and I use the spreadsheet export function to add up how much I have to pay each freelance at the end of the month.

We are changing the news production to a shift system. Instead of being paid for an individual news article they will be paid for a shift and write as many news stories in that shift as appropriate. The shift will then have the value, not the individual news story. This means the shift will be the task.

Some shifts will run alongside each other with others overlapping for periods. With a news editor on board too, this could mean two to five people could be involved at any one time. In an office, a reporter might shout out their story or a news editor might bark instructions as to who was covering which story. As we are all remote workers we need a way to do this. We are currently thinking of using the Google hang out, chat, function.

We could use Slack, but we don't currently use it and I am not sure it is needed for anything else.

Ideally a Wrike chat (call it meeting room) could enable a small sub-team (or the entire team) to discuss things live for either a fixed period or for the entire day. That chat could then be archived, date stamped as a record, maybe with a summary of who was involved and some key points identified. Maybe even, related tasks could be linked to it. Ideally we'd need to be able to export as a word or text file if need be or print it out as a report, or attach it as an email (maybe as a pdf).

That would keep all our work-related communication within Wrike.

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Appreciate you sharing your current situation and your vision! I understand how important it is to reduce the number of tools you use for work communication. This is something I am going to bring up in the discussion with our Product team, thank you once again!

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I love wrike and the only missing feature I encounter is an instant chat as well. 

I use slack with my team. It would be great to have something like slack integrated in the platform. I like the messenger idea, with the ability of creating team chats as well with a certain amount of users.

Please include it in the roadmap!

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Andrey, totally agree...I was asked to vote here, as I started a suggestion elsewhere, which is copied below.  Let's do this, because I've used software (as stated below) that includes an internal chat and so often you have a quick question that could be so much easier to ask in chat, instead of looking for, and then opening up, a task, just to comment...and then wait for them to see the notification in their Inbox.



Our team would greatly appreciate it if Wrike would consider adding in a "live chat" feature into Wrike for users and collaborators.

www.Strikebase.com is a great example of a project management tool that includes encrypted (and searchable) chat functionality, which is great! This company also just released Zala (zala.net), which might be a great alternative if somehow integrated (perhaps you should contact them...:))

Anyways, this is a feature we'd love to bring into Wrike, since we're forced to either use Zala or What's App for those quick communication needs.

If possible, any chance you all will add a Calendar function so our team can glance at upcoming marketing campaigns and projects?  Just a thought...thanks!


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I agree. Reducing the number of applications is our ultimate goal.  We envision a day when the only tab we ever need open is Wrike--A single workforce integrated hub!  Team chat is vital to that end and one of the most immediate needs we have.  

Please add this feature to Wrike soon.

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Absolutely mandatory feature!

For the moment we´ve created a folder dedicated for internal comunicacion, but it´s not like an instant chat...

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Our company would really benefit from this feature, we already have several programs as it is and adding Slack to the list when we already have Wrike doesn't make sense.

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Hello Wrike, hello Alina,

since this discussion started nearly a year is gone - is there any new information about the chat functions, any roadmap, etc.

Currently I´m in a situation where I´ve to decide to buy WRIKE or a competitor solution. And without any information about the coming chat function I´ve to decide for the rival.


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Stephanie Westbrook

@Philipp Hi! Unfortunately, this isn't on our roadmap. If that changes we'll make sure to post here, but wanted you to have accurate information.  

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15 Months later :/

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I agree Evan, how have they not added a little pop up window like the help chat window so that we can have internal chat? I'm getting quite frustrated by the usual answer of "it's not on our roadmap"....so what IS on your roadmap dear Wrike?!

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Right Soraya. Par on par, Wrike is much pricier than competitors. But yet it's a program once, and maintain strategy. Just like everyone else. So, if we're paying more, what are we getting more than anyone else, in the long run? I understand initially it's par on par features, but since it's more expensive than others par on par, than therefore there should be lots of profit margin to go to rapid dev and support and maintenance and growth and expansion. But I'm seeing issues that I need resolved today, that 100s of users have been shouting for for over a year. Lots of them! More Video Proofing space, Live Chat, Team G-Drive uploading, and lots of others. It's only at most, for a premium programming team, around $20k-$40k to properly implement a new feature. There are what, about 100 of us asking for it, each paying at MINIMUM $173/mo and probably on avg. more like 15 users or $519/mo. So just the users that want these features alone, just us, not counting another 1000 users worldwide on Wrike, just us, we're providing $51,900 a month to Wrike. Let's say only 25% of that can go to support and dev, and the rest goes to maintenance and operations, and cash flow, reserves, salaries, etc, than we're talking $13k a month between all of us, to develop these features. And I have been very conservative with all my numbers up and down. These features should take 1-3 months to roll out at max. I know not everyone is great at business. Heck most people aren't. But why couldn't Wrike be one of the good ones? It's the absolute best interface and unlimited nested this and unlimited nested that philosophy. They are so close, and yet just can't budge. I've been up against resistance on allowing for more Video Proofing space. It's been an uncompromising conversation with the usual workaround: "buy more users in packs of 5 if you need more disk space". Sure, I'll pay $173 additional a month for 10GB of additional Video Proofing. Come on. I could get 17TB from Google Drive for that. There is some serious lag going on here. Lag lag lag.

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Adding an instant chat for collaborating would definitely help our work flow. We are trying to keep our marketing team out of the "in box". Without an instant chat for quick questions, we still have to email our team members, and wait for reply.  Hopeful this will get on your road map for your next updates.


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To add to this with some open dialogue; this isn't something our team is looking at developing at the moment. It's an interesting idea but it's unlikely to happen in 2018.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't keep voting. The voting system in Product Feedback is our main source of feedback lets the team know how popular a suggestion is and this then adds to the internal conversation when deciding on new futures - so keep voting if you'd like to see this happen 👍

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Wrike is great tool I am going to purchase right now( I am still in trial version). But this chat features is definitely something which is missed.  add comments is great by the fact it allows to discuss a given task. But for more general purpose discussion you can't do it using "add comment".  I wish  that this is coming asap 

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Being able to ping someone in-app with-out having to comment in a task is a critical feature - PLEASE implement something as soon as possible. I am on the verge of recommending our team switch to Wrike and this would clinch it for most of us

Recommend a chat feature where your can

  1. instant message in app without having to comment in task or project 
  2. tag projects or tasks in IM if you wish and a link to that chat would appear in project or task
  3. search past IMs for users or text 
  4. get email notifications of comments that you are part of, or have been tagged in, or are following
  5. group chat or channel - like in Slack


Add integration with Skype for Business just like you have done for Slack. Our team is mandated to use Skype for B instead of Slack. An integration would solve this IM issue for my team. 

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Would definitely love to have this feature. 

We currently rely 100% on Wrike for our work flow and a live chat is crucial as we mostly work remotely.

We currently have to use our personal Skype account (not ideal). 

Please create something, does not have to have rich features (video and such) just a basic, one on one chat would be perfect. 


Thank you.

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Hi! We are now considering Wrike among other similar products. A need to have a separate software or tool to dynamically discuss progress on the projects or among groups of users seems to a be a considerable shortage - in doing business it is vital for us to trace communication linked to work on a project. (see for instance a comparison of Odoo vs Wrike - https://project-management.zone/system/odoo,wrike) Wrike is the right column.

Wrike positions itself as the Software no.1 in project management and I would appreciate if it has more advanced project collaboration properties


Thank you in advance 

Project Collaboration Properties
Project wiki yes no
Discussion forum yes noinfo
Online chat yes no
Audio conferencing no no
Video conferencing no no
Screen sharing no no
Calendar sharing yes yes
Contact sharing yes no
Document sharing yes yes
File versioning
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Please, please, please move this request up on your list of priorities. 

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I completely agree with Michelle, it's about time this was added!!!

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