Request Forms - Task due dates do not update when the project is replaced via the "Replace project with..." action
In the Request Form, tasks within a project are automatically adjusted when utilizing the "Date" question. This is great!
However, whenever I replace the project via the "Replace project with" action, due dates within the task no longer adjust when utilizing the "Date" question (example below).
This seems like it should work and I wanted to make you aware that it is not (at least for me).
You need to have a date question in the form somewhere and then use the reschedule option on the left.
and if you don't see that option, you might need to change Create Task/Project to Create Task/Project From and just use a blank task there.
Hey, Claire Findlay!
Thanks for taking the time to reply to this. This resolved my issue! And you were correct. The "Reschedule" option was not showing up with "Create Task/Project" and I needed to switch it to "Create Task/Project From" for that option to appear.
Thanks again!