Marking Up Documents within Wrike - Export Feature


It would be great to have an export feature when using the markup tools within Wrike, such as on a PDF or JPG - so we can download the document WITH the marked edits from the clients. 

For clarification, when my client adds her comments to the file directly within Wrike, if I download the file to share with my design staff, the client's comments disappear. Currently, the only workaround we have is to screenshot the comments, but then it is difficult to match what comment belongs where, and when new text is involved, we no longer have it in electronic format that can be copy/pasted.

We use Adobe / Creative Cloud extension on our end (as the designers), but the client just marks the PDF using the markup/comment tools. 

Just thinking an export tool would be helpful. Thanks! 

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Completely agree with the need to have this function, or the one mentioned in this thread. Working across a large organisation, we will have people who only come to use annually, if that often, and so some way for them to be able to see the proofing, without being a collaborator, would be extremely helpful.

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I want to bring attention to this old but still very valuable feature.  Is there any work in progress to allow for the capture of comments once a pdf is downloaded?  This will expedite our process significantly and eliminate the duplication of efforts.



Stacey Gill Munich Re

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in here to let you know, in case you missed it: you can now export files from Proofing together with all the comments as a PDF. More info on the Help Center

Thanks for posting! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi folks. I just wanted to check if I'm the only one who 1) massively appreciates the mark-up feature and 2) is hugely let down by the formatting of the exports.

The issue seems like it should be easy to fix, but I've had a help desk ticket in for a while and there's no appetite to sort it.#

When exporting comments, the speech bubbles are placed in very unhelpful locations. The worst example is the arrow tool, where the speech bubble is placed at the point of the arrow. Clearly this means that the comment is always going to obscure the thing that the arrow is pointing at... Every other PDF markup tool has the comment appear at the more sensible end of the arrow (or provides a proper callout tool). 

What can we do Lisa? This seems like a quick fix to a dumb issue with what should be a great feature of Wrike...

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Hi Mark Tucknutt, thank you for chiming in! I can see that our Support Team has confirmed that your point is totally valid and our engineers will take it into consideration for future improvements 👍

Thank you for bringing this to us and for sharing all the details about your case with our Team 🙂 I have shared your comment with our Product Team and we'll keep you informed in case there are any changes. Unfortunately, this suggestion is a bit far from the 60 votes threshold to receive a public status, let's hope more users will keep upvoting it!

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