Dropdowns in project request forms should work when the dropdown is updated
I am using a dropdown in a project request. Now I realised that each form needs to be updated manually each time a new entry is added to the dropdown. So the form expects me to update it each time a custom field gets a new value.
E.g. If I have a custom field for customers and a dropdown for selecting the customer I need the current values in the dropdown. It does not make sense to open all forms in the backend just to update them each time a new customer has been added
Hi Beat, thanks for your feedback on this. Just so you're aware, currently, when reviewing your Request forms, you'll see a message notifying you that a change has occurred with the Custom Fields and it offers you options to update them (see below). I have passed on your feedback to the Product team around having this as an automatic update so thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the feedback. I have seen this message. As I wanted to change a form I realised that message otherwhise I would not have noticed that the custom fields are not updated in the dropdown of the form.
Thank you for passing this on!
No problem Beat, thanks for posting about it!
Is there any update to this? We are continuing to use request forms and having to update dropdowns with new options. It doesn't make sense to go back into the request form to update the options manually. They should automatically update.
I am looking for this exact capability myself. We have multiple forms that have dropdowns of accounting codes. New codes get added regularly and I want that list to exist in one location that I can update, without having to track down every instance of the dropdown.
@All Hey, thanks for commenting here! I don't have an update for you on this currently. Just wanted to mention - please don't forget to +1 the original suggestion. That way it will be easier for our Product team to understand the popularity of this feature 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Can we please get this feature, please!!
We use a "project number" drop down for all of our request forms, so that the requests should be grouped by project.
The Project Number custom field is maintained by our Wrike admin, every time a project is created or archived the project number options are updated. But we then have to go back and update every single request form with the dreaded "update options" screen below.
Why is this not automatically updated?? this is such a simple thing.
At a minimum let the API for updating request forms be exposed, this is a huge pain point for us.
Thank You
Thank you for reaching out Joel Gold, I'm really sorry to hear this causes inconvenience to your team!
I've spoken to our Product team and passed on your feedback. Unfortunately, they don't have it in their short-term plans. I will continue to ask for updates and I'll let you know once I have anything to share.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi, I'd like to add my voice to this chorus. Our company has several facilities nationwide, all using Wrike, and all using the same dropdowns showing things like sales reps and account numbers, lists that are constantly being updated. We have more than 80 Wrike request forms (and more every day), most of them (but not all!) using these dropdowns, which must be updated manually every time they change. If the forms can't be updated automatically, I'd love to see an icon that appears to indicate which forms need to be updated, since guessing which of the 80+ forms have a dropdown that has changed takes way more time than anyone here has.
Thank you for supporting the suggestion and sharing your use-case Michelle!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Why is this not fixed 4 years later?