[Released] Nesting in Reports
We cannot use the Reports function for tasks because it treats subtasks just like regular tasks (as a floating, independent line item). Instead, we should have the option to display like Table View where subtasks display underneath their parent task (not in a completely separate section if we say, group by Parent Folder).
Similar challenge for Projects, subprojects should display underneath the parent Project rather than their own line item.
Hi Lucy, thanks for sharing your thoughts about the Reports here! I would love to hear more about your use case and the way you are using Wrike so that it’s important for you to see the nested structure in Reports. If Reports worked this way, what would you use them for? Looking forward to talking to you!
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Anna G Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Hi Anna,
We have many projects and tasks that should be viewed within their parent task or project. The tasks don't make sense on their own, which makes reports virtually unusable for us.
For example, we have several A/B testing projects that fall under a larger project called Landing Page Updates which belongs to a folder containing all of our Acquisition related projects. When we review our A/B testing projects with our team, we want to review it WITHIN the Landing Page Updates project and GROUPED with projects in the Acquisition folder. We wouldn't want it mixed in with other projects in a separate parent folder.
Additionally we may have tasks that have subtasks, but only want those subtasks to display under the parent task and not their own floating independent items in our task report. (They have no context if they're not attached to their parent task). Right now, they just display as independent tasks which makes our report unreadable.
Lucy, thanks for taking the time to explain your use case in details, I really appreciate it! It helps our Product Team learn how the Reports are used by different organisations and prioritize the features they work on. Have a great day and let me know if there’s anything I can help with.
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Anna G Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
This functionality would also be useful for us. Subtask names are often not sufficient to understand what they refer to in a report view; knowing the parent task is important to understanding exactly what was completed or what is to be done at a glance.
I 100% agree - it makes no sense to me that there is no option to group subtasks under tasks; in fact, I just spent 10 minutes looking for it because I was sure it must be there. I was trying to create a report to autosend updates before a weekly meeting - these updates (subtasks) need to stay in context with their parent task. Many of these subtasks are tied to discussions that occurred at previous weekly meetings and I'd like them to stay under that previous meeting's parent task for context. Currently, there's no way I can do this unless I export the report to Excel, which eliminates my ability to autosend the report. Very disappointing.
I agree that this feature is needed. Not having it means that I have to maintain task data in a way that is not intuitive/efficient. I maintain a custom field (which requires a duplication of effort/manual overhead) in which I flag tasks as "task" or "sub-task" and then use the filter option in the report to include only "tasks" (in order to exclude the random listing of sub-tasks). It means that I aim to keep all task information that I may want to track and report (again this is in custom fields) in the task level, but being able to expand the task group (as in the table view) in the report would be a huge improvement as I currently can't report on sub-task status. An option to exclude or include sub-tasks in a report (assuming that, if included, they stay grouped under the task) would be helpful.
Stuart A Change Consultant
We really need this feature for our reports
We have the same problem... In ours projects, every task are completed with a lot of subtask.
Without the posibilty to see the dependence of subtaks in reports, it will be unusable.
Help us please !
I agree with the above comments.
Report without nested Sub Tasks are really of little value for a complex project.
Hopefully this is something that can be added in the near future.
Hi all, thanks for your continued votes and input on this request 👍
I'd really love this for our team, and I'm surprised it's not already a feature, especially given that we can roll up according to folder and sub folders.
It's such a painful process having to manually sort through sub-tasks to get to the real data we need.
Couldn't this be achieved with a "parent task" option under the "group by" options? similar to grouping by parent folder
We are having the same issue and it would be really helpful for us to have a way for the report to show sub-tasks underneath the associated task. Right now it displays as if sub-tasks are individual tasks and it is very confusing. We use this report to send progress updates to team members.
Thank you!
I agree with the subtasks however I am more surprised on the subprojects not displaying under the parent item. So I am hoping for an update on what the original post stated:
"Similar challenge for Projects, subprojects should display underneath the parent Project rather than their own line item."
Would really love this feature to be developed! Wrike's Reports functionality is AMAZING (one of huge benefits that Wrike has over Asana), but without being able to associate sub-tasks to parent tasks, there is no context for the sub-tasks whatsoever. This makes the Reports functionality basically unusable.
This feature would be great for us as well. Also, it would be nice to have the ability to re-arrange the group order - have to delete it now and start over every time you want a different view...
@Susan, FYI-you can rearrange the grouping order in the report view toward the top left of the report. You should not have to delete or recreate the reports. The layout section you are highlighting just gives you the option to set the grouping on creation.
I understand that, but then you have to sort it every time you run the report.
Hi all 👋
We have released Structured (Hierarchical) display in task Reports. Now you can see Folder, Project and Tasks in one Report, like you do in Table view: subtasks under their parent tasks, parent tasks under Folders or Projects they are tagged with. Read more on this Help Article and check out the quick GIF below 👍
As always, we want to hear your feedback and you can share this for our teams over here.