[Status: Investigating ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ] Add Exclusions to Filters and Dashboards

Wrike filters allow for a lot of customization, but I think they're missing a key feature: exclusions.ย 

For example, on my dashboard "Tasks by Due Date," I have a widget called "Priority Today." The applied filters are: All Active, TO: Current user, Tasks to Do: Today. However, I would also like to have a widget on the same dashboard that is just the tasks DUE today. (The "Tasks to Do" filter includes any task that falls on that day. The "Due Date" filter is just tasks that END on that day.)

If I set both of these widgets up, certain tasks will appear in both widgets. It would be nice to tell one widget to not include any tasks that appear on another widget that I specify.

The same is true if you have a dashboard with widgets for tasks to do today, this week and this month.ย 

Exclusions would also be useful for folders. What if I want to see everything I have to work on EXCEPT for tasks in ONE folder? It makes more sense to me to be able to exclude that folder, rather than setting up reports/calendars/dashboards for every single folder except that one.

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This would be very helpful. I've run into a couple of issues where an exclusion filter would help our data quality:

  • Internal quality control checks - see if any tasks of type A are not in a customer subfolder
  • Filter out unimportant tasks - we have a custom field to indicate which stage of a process each task in a project is. But there are dozens of stages, and for most reports it is much slower to select all of the tasks that should be included than it is to exclude the handful that aren't relevant to that report.
  • Better dashboard management - we'd like to show different buckets on the dashboard for tasks that are assigned to me in folder X and a separate buck of tasks that are assigned to me in all other folders.
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Some other examples where the ability to add-on a "exclude" or "notin:folder" filter would be needed.

When trying to set up a shared "My to do List" dashboard with my entire team that dynamically shows each team member all of their tasks across all of their projects in one place, hence when setting up the dashboard nothing is selected for the Include Tasks From area of the widget setup, we want to include every single project the user is working on in one widget,ย and we only applyย the following filters:

Widget 1: My tasks today:ย  ย assigned to;Current User, Tasks to do;Todayย notin:templates, notin:personal

Widget 2:ย My tasks Overdue:ย  ย assigned to;Current User, Tasks to do;overdueย notin:templates,ย notin:personal

The issue is as follows: we have all of our projects in a All Projects folder, and then inside of that we have Project 1, Project 2, and so forth. Only the Project xย folders are shared with each project's respective team. Managers are shared to either multiple projects they are on, or (in the case for execs) they are shared to the All Projects folder, in this way users only see what is relevant to them.


The complaint we are getting is that users personal tasks are coming up on their work dashboard (tasks they create in the Personal folder that gets created with each new user) since we cannot have the "notin:"filter. And trying to limit the widget to only report on theย All Projects folder doesn't work because not every user is shared to this parent, for a user that is only shared to theย Project 1 folder this widget will return no tasks (even though they have share permissions to a limited area of theย All projects folder, onceย we filter theย Include Tasks From:All Projectsย only users with share permissions to that All Projectsย parent folder see anything out of the widget).


Similarly Users that have access to the Templates area of our folder tree and to the shared Dashboard, now see template tasks on the dashboard, because again we cannot do the notin:"Templates folder" filter, and again as before, drilling the widget to only report on a parentย All Projectsย folder really mutes the entire purpose for applying sharing rights (or giving up on efficiently deploying and sharingย dashboards to an entire team at once).

So without exclude filters we have to either: a) give up on using the shared dashboard feature efficiently and have to build the same dashboard again for each user (and update 60-100 users every time a change is made), or b) stop using share permissions efficiently.

A bit long on the use case, but this is something we are actively dealing with and have not found a solution to yet.

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I agree with all of the above - an exclusion filter would be really useful for dashboards.

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Hey guys, thanks for sharing your feedback here. Just wanted to mention that there is a "notin" Search command, and search results can be added to a Dashboard

Please visit our Help Center for more info on Search. Hope it helps ๐Ÿ™Œ

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This would be extremely helpful.

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Notin requires you to select every task with a sub task as well as every folder/project. This is not a great work-around.

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I would like to create two separate dashboard widgets showing "New Hire Tasks" and "Non-New Hire Tasks." I want the New Hire Tasks dashboard to only show one folder assigned to one person within a giant-department wide folder (parent of New Hire Tasks folder). I want Non-New Hire Tasks dashboard to show all tasks assigned to one person within the overall folder - but exclude the tasks in the folder "New Hire Tasks" that I have a separate dashboard for.ย 

Notin requires you to select every task with a sub task as well as every folder/project. This is not a great work-around. Every time we add a new project within the "New Hire Tasks" folder, it requires us to re-search the non-editable search I've tied to the dashboard.ย  And if we're being throughout, all sub tasks. Multiply this by a monthly change and 10+ employees...


It would create a much clearer Dashboard view allowing a priority of these tasks.ย 



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I simply want to create a dashboard widget that shows all tasks Created by me but not assigned to me. Even better if it could also exclude unassigned tasks. Can I achieve this?

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I need to be able to exclude tasks in our "archive" folders, regardless of their status.

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Thanks for your feedback here, everyone! I'm passing it all to the team regularly and I'll let you know when I have updates from them.ย 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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You should definitely add this! My team is struggling with a large volume of tasks and it would really help them to be able to distinguish more clearly what the priority items are.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hey Ginger Reed, thank you for sharing your feedback here! Could you provide some more detail about your experience? This will give us a better understanding of how we can assist you.ย 

I don't have an update about this suggestion at the moment. If there are any changes, I'll be sure to let you know.

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Hello Hugh,

I would be happy to share. I am essentially trying to set up a dashboard where a task moves from widget to widget based on due date. The problem is that I require filters to exclude a task from the widgets where I don't want it. I am not comfortable posting a screenshot here, but I would be happy to share via a call or email.

Warm regards,


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I get excited every time I get an email about this... thinking maybe it's finally happening! But I understand the Wrike team doesn't pursue features until they have a lot of votes.

Maybe I will being campaigning in the community for this feature request. Is that allowed?ย ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Hey Ginger Reed, thank you for providing extra detail.

Have you tried using filters such as "last week" or "next month" to create the widgets you're making? These have rolling dates, so the tasks within would change each day as they fall out of the range of this filter.

Let me know if this helps! If you need anything else, let me know.

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Hi @...,

Thanks for the suggestion. If I used that date logic, I would need the filters "tomorrow," "earlier this week," (days this week before today) and "later this week" (days this week after today) to create the widgets successfully.ย 

I would also need to be able to select more than one timeframe (a picklist) for the dashboard widget using the "Task to do" filter and deselect the "overdue" checkbox under "tasks to do" when I select the "this week" or other time frame

Do either of those items seem possible?

Warm regards,


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Hey Ginger Reed,

It currently isn't possible to add these filters in a widget in the way you've described them. Your use case has been passed on to the Product team, and if there is any new information here, I'll be sure to keep you posted.

If you need assistance with anything else, I'd be happy to help.

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Would be a great feature to exclude from widgets. Currently implementing a Long-term project: no timeline, so the project is on our radar, but we do NOT want it to show up in the backlogged widget.

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Thank you for your feedback, Shelly Mikkelson! Have you tried using a separate folder for projects like these, long-term ones without the dates?

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Please add this feature!ย 

Exclusions are such an important part of any filter, it would really be nice to have widgets more customizable so I can better focus on what I need to be working on "right meow" without getting overwhelmed by the list that's lower importance or things I plan on attacking later if I have time.ย  Yes I know I can use importance as a filter feature, but then it impacts the task for everyone else assigned to it.

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Hi Brian Krause, thank you for sharing your feedback on filter exclusions! I don't have an update at the moment, but I'm passing on your feedback! ๐Ÿ™Œ

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Even if I get a lot of ideas how to fix the issue of the missing exclude option, it's not the same! Adding exclusions to an existing widget, especially to exclude folders from the dashboard widgets, is a very necessary function to work within big workspaces and organize the daily work. I would highly suggest such an option and wonder, if it isn't available yet :)ย 

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Hi Sylvia Czarnecki, welcome to the Community! ๐Ÿ‘‹
Thanks a lot for supporting this idea! I'm passing your feedback to our Product team. Please make sure to upvote the original post above if you haven't yet - the number of votes helps the team understand how popular the suggestion is.ย Here's more detail on that, but please let me know if you have any questions!ย 
If you'd like to know what this Community has to offer, please check out ourย New to Community forumย ๐Ÿค—

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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It really, really, really bothers me that I misspelled "dashboards" in this post.ย ๐Ÿ˜“

Lisaย Can y'all fix that for me? ๐Ÿ˜„

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Of course Anna Wallace, done ๐Ÿค— I've never even noticed before!ย 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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OH I LOVE THIS and would love having the ability to set exclusions from filters.ย 

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Hi I am bringing this to the top of your attention again! We have been using Wrike for years now, and have pretty much stopped using dashboards because we can't get the widgets we want. Everyone uses the My To Do.

I have even looked into other solutions but I can't find anything that works quite like Wrike.

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I can't agree more. This is definitely something needed.

We've also used wrike for years and years and it seems we've not got some more modern widgets and dashboards.

Stuck in time!

Please help us.

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Hi everyone, thank you so much for bumping this thread and adding your support here. I'm passing on the feedback to the team๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

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Are we ever going to revisit this again Wrike Team?ย 

As we expand and grow having the ability to exclude specific folders would be a huge help!ย 

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