Share and Customize Timeline Data

Timeline Snapshots are perfect for sharing a static view of your Gantt Chart with other team members, clients and partners, even if they aren’t a part of your Wrike account.

Quick Tip: We use the words interchangeably, but Wrike’s Timeline View is a Gantt chart.

What’s on a Snapshot?

  • All Tasks, Subfolders, and Subprojects in the location where the Snapshot was taken from.
  • Tasks and subtasks with due dates (tasks without due dates don’t appear on the Timeline View).
  • Task titles, statuses, scheduled dates, and dependencies are shown automatically, and you can choose to include task assignees as well.

What Can People Do with a Snapshot?

  • View task durations, their start and due dates, and assignees. Assignees are only shown if this option is selected during Snapshot creation.
  • Expand or collapse Folders and Projects.
  • Zoom in/out and move around the view.

Choosing What to Display in a Snapshot

Customize your Snapshot so that it includes (or excludes) only a specific set of data. Here’s how:

  1. Select a Folder/Project and switch to the Timeline View.
  2. Click on the “Filters” icon.
  3. Choose the filtering criteria based on the tasks you want to show in the Snapshot. Quick Tip: Click on “Advanced Filters” to see all available options, including Custom Field filters.
  4. Click “Share Timeline”. In the pop up window that appears, select whether assignees should be displayed.

Advanced Filtering

Sharing Project data with clients and partners may seem complex when there is no defined set of filtering criteria for the tasks they should be able to see. This is where Custom Fields come into play. With Custom Fields, you can create a specific task or Project attribute, which you will be able to select in the filtering criteria. Here’s how:

  1. Open a top level Folder/Project in the Table View.
  2. Click “+ Add Column” and customize the field in the popup that appears.
  3. In our example screenshot, we’ve created a checkbox type field called “Visible to Client”. Check the tasks and subtasks which should appear in the client Snapshot. Now you can use this Custom Field as your filtering criteria.

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