Filter dashboard by account?

Is there a way to filter the Dashboard by Team/Account? I am part of two different companies in Wrike, and it would be helpful to use the Dashboard but toggle between companies, rather than having the tasks all mixed together. I appreciate the feature of having the tasks mixed, but having the option to filter by Team would be very useful. 

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Hi Tal, thanks for getting in touch here! While there's no account toggle option in the Dashboard View itself, I wanted to suggest trying out Custom Widgets. You can create widgets from the root of any account, and then they'll show data related only to those teams. It's possible to set absolutely any filtering criteria and save it, so you can recreate the prebuilt widgets, or you can build ones which give you even more granular insight. Check out our Community post about Custom Dashboard Widgets to learn more, and here's a quick overview of what the process looks like:

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Is there a way to change the folder filter for an existing custom widget to the account level? I've found that widgets may be created at the account level, but cannot find how to change from a folder to the account level once the widget is created. Thanks

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Hey! :) You can switch to viewing all tasks from an account by clicking on the pencil icon to edit a widget, and then removing all Folder tags and choosing the option to view tasks from Subfolders:

Does this help? Happy to answer any other questions!

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Anastasia... omg this helps me IMMENSELY!!!!! I'm fixing all of our dashboards now! we've been going crazy!

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