Notifications for Tasks


Is there any chance of updating the notification options? I only have one selected, the "notify me when I am @ mentioned or assigned a task". Can we get this broken down into two separate options? I 

need to have the @ mention for team communication but when I am assigned a new folder I get about 220 notifications and have to comb through to find ones where I am @ mentioned.

This would be a tremendous help.


Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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Hi Rob, thanks for posting here! While this isn't something we're working on right now, I can see how it would be helpful, so thank you for sharing. Do you think it would be helpful to be able to modify these setting in the Wrike Inbox too?

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Hi Anastasia,

I don't think I fully understand your question in terms of modifying settings within the inbox. Although, my team was discussing the usefulness of adding a filter to the inbox so users can display @ mentions or general notifications. Are you referring to something like this?


Thanks again

Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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Hi Rob, than you for following up! Yes, that's right, I was interested in learning about whether your team would find it useful to be able to modify this not only in the email notifications settings, but to also generally have the ability to update Wrike Inbox settings. It would be great to hear about the types of settings you'd want to see there (if any). We're big fans of keeping everything in one place, so it's helpful hearing how the Wrike Inbox could be made more useful in comparison with email notifications. Happy to hear what you and other users think about this!

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 Hi Anastasia, 

I am a newer user to Wrike.  So I don't want to have all the notifications sent to my email address...  Is it possible to send these notifications to my Wrike Inbox, and adjust those as needed?  Several leaders of our organization are followers of tasks, and would prefer that updates to tasks land in the Inbox, inside of Wrike and not as an email notification.  



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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Marc, welcome to Wrike :) While there isn't a way to adjust Inbox notification settings, you can control email notification settings (or turn off email notifications completely). Email and Inbox notifications are completely separate, so no matter what settings people choose for email, everyone will still be getting all of their Inbox notifications. 

There are instructions here on how everyone can control their email settings. A recommendation I hear a lot from our Customer Success Managers is to have alignment on how notifications are received, so as people turn off their email notifications it's just important to highlight where people should go to check for updates. How is the onboarding to Wrike going, anything else you were curious about?

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Hello Wrike Support,

Is it possible for all email notifications from different Wrike users to be sent to just one email address? 



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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi there Iben. Email addresses can only be associated with one user at a a time, which means that sending all notifications to one email address is not possible. I would love to hear what your use-case for this is though, would you like to turn off email notifications for all users?

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Hi everyone! Wanted to share a request you may be interested in voting for: Editing Notification Types in Inbox. :)

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Yes! I'm interested in the same thing. 

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Hi Everyone - I am having the same issue - I would VERY much like to have the @ mentions and new task assigned notification box be checked separately. My team communicates a lot via Wrike using the @ mention feature, but we utilize the templates with default assignments as well, and it is clogging up our email inboxes with notifications on assigned tasks that are redundant (i.e. if a Project Manager has a new project assigned to them, they will have a number of default tasks come with every project, and they already know that. They don't need to be notified that it has been assigned to them). 

I'm afraid these constant notifications are desensitizing my Project Managers and they will miss vital @ mention communication from the team because of so many other Wrike emails they need to ignore. While the Wrike inbox is nice to review what "happened" in the past few days, having my team review both their Outlook inboxes and Wrike inboxes as an alternative is inefficient and is slowing down the adoption of Wrike. 

My organization has many offices throughout the US and Canada (about 1500 potential users), and I am really pushing them to adopt Wrike because of the flexibility, but this feature is hindering the effort because it's creating so much email noise (it feels like SPAM to them). 

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Bethany, thanks for adding a comment and additional information here, that use case definitely makes sense and is understandable. If you haven't already, please add a +1 to the first comment in this thread (we use those votes to report to Product Managers). 

Would it be helpful to create Dashboard widgets which people can use to track tasks from within a certain Folder/Project, assigned to them, and due within a certain time period?

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My team effectively uses the @mention feature to communicate, but they also get inundated with emails whenever tasks are assigned to them. Duplicating a simple project from a template can generate 5 emails to a single stakeholder; more complicated projects can generate 15-20 emails!

Could you make "when someone @mentions me" and "when a task is assigned to me" two separate checkboxes so that a user could opt out of one or the other?

I understand why the "assigned to" notification are important to some teams, but for my team they just cause the important emails (@mentions) to get buried in an avalanche of "a task was assigned to you" emails.

As a veteran user, Wrike has many features I value, but the #1 complaint from my colleagues (and me) is "too many emails." Thanks for listening!    

Larry Phung "This is your life and it's ending, one minute at a time."

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@Larry, thanks for adding your request as a comment here too, I really appreciate it! :)

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Yep @ Larry, that's my issue but I get 200+ notifications at once. Because of this I cannot use the email option.

Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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Team - to help avoid this issue before the @ mention and the "assign task" notifications are separated, we created an Outlook rule that filters out the "assigned to you" notifications and automatically sends them to our deleted items folder. This way we only get items from that have @ mention or "daily digest" in them (as some of the team likes that reminder to do list). This has significantly limited the junk we get from Wrike notifications that we don't need. 

Just wanted to share!

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Hi, I'm having a similar issue: as Admin, I can't access the email notification settings for other team members, some people overseas for instance. I can't set other people's email preferences and although I ask them to uncheck certain boxes on email preferences, it doesn't get done. Whenever I assign tasks, it generates a flurry of emails such that by the time someone is setup, they are so sick of emails, they value Wrike emails as worthless and are trained to dump any emails from Wrike into the trash. Hence, communication is now broken and no one is using Wrike anymore. Can I please have access to set people's email preferences?

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Bethany that is a really great suggestion. Thank you for adding it here.

If anyone does want to create a rule in Outlook, here is a page from Office Support which goes over how to do that.

@Michael Our Support team can help you set up email notifications on an account-wide basis. (Note: in case someone else reads this, the request does have to come from an admin). Would you like me to create a ticket so that they can work with you on that?


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The email filters/rules are a great idea, but the main issue lies with the notifications within Wrike. 

I would still appreciate having the notifications box separated into two: when someone @ mentions me, when I am assigned a task.

This way users can have more control over the notifications they receive.

Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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Yes please Stephanie, creating a ticket for me would be wonderful!

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Michael Done! Someone will be reaching out to you soon :)

@Rob Of course, we'll keep this thread here (so people can continue to upvote it) and we can share the feedback with our Product team. 

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Hi. In addition to the existing wrike inbox notifications, is it possible to receive wrike inbox notifications for all activities I follow?

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Hi Ian! Inbox notifications aren't currently customizable, but here's a feedback request I think you might be interested in voting for: Editing Notification Types in Inbox.

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HI Everyone,

I'm adding my voice to this chorus. My team is probably going to lynch me soon. We are pushing crazy amounts of data into Wrike (Great!) but now they are getting slammed with the "you've been assigned" emails that they really don't want. 

They value the @mention but really don't want it to be paired with the "assigned to task"



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Thanks for the comments, everyone! Wanted to let you know that we're working on some enhancements to notification logic, so the suggestions here are really helpful right now! :)

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Happy Tuesday. everyone! Great news to start the day: we've separated the notifications like you've asked here, and now it's possible to make a more granular choice:

Enjoy! Happy to hear your feedback about this! :)

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Amazing! Thank you so much!!!

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Fantastic! On behalf of my team, thank you!

Larry Phung "This is your life and it's ending, one minute at a time."

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Will these options affect Wrike inbox notifications too? I'm still looking for a way to filter @ mentions and when someone assigns me a task in the notifications inbox.

That's my issue here as our team does not use email notifications.

Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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How about notifications on our mobile devices? Thats where I get overloaded with notifications. I'd still like to see when someone comments on a thread I follow but don't want to be notified every time I get assigned a task. 


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Has any progress been made on a feature to stop notifications within Wrike for task assignments?

Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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