Mass Edit Tasks to Add a Prefix (Project #) to All Tasks (Post Project Build)


I have figured out a streamlined way to initiate pre-built projects leveraging blueprints tied to a conditional intake form and all seems to make logical process and greatly help our team.  The one big Con of this approach however is that the only way to current apply a prefix (Project #) to all tasks is when you manually generate a project.

It would be a huge help and make sense to add a prefix option to the mass edit functions that are available within the project after its been created and the tasks have been built out.

I have it where easy to apply the project # at the project level but then it would require manually going through all the pre-built tasks to add the project #.  If this prefix option would be added to the mass edit options it would be a game changer and help reinforce blueprints and especially those tied to request forms

Please let me know if this is something that can get implemented 


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7 comentarios

Hey Spencer Turkot, thank you for this suggestion! It's been passed on to the Product team.

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I have to do these manual edits often because of the way we name our projects internally. A mass edit feature would be super helpful.

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Hi Community! I'd like to mention there is a new action in Automation that allows you to automatically add prefixes to new or existing items. You can learn more about it here.
Would you please let us know if this enhancement fulfills this suggestion? Looking forward to your feedback!
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@... hey that feature is not helpful for many situations. To automate adding a prefix you have to specifically type that prefix, thats not a great automation across a lot of projects. In that automation, I really need to be able use a variable that is dynamic. So I can for example, automatically have all projects and tasks within one parent project get a prefix that is the main projects name. In my case that would be my client's name.

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Hi Kara Guertin, thank you for your reply and the additional details. I've shared your use case with our Product Team 👍

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@... I second Kara's note that often the variable is dynamic and not fixed, so this automation isn't always useful

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Hi Jonathan Tricoche-Melton, welcome to the Community. Thank you for backing up this suggestion 👍

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