How to get the last task approval via API
I'm working on a custom workflow/automation where each task might have multiple associated approvals.
I need to get information about just the latest approval, via API call. Ideally, I won't have to get all the task approvals and loop through them to compare dates in order to accomplish this.
From the documentation at, I thought I might be able to use the "limit" parameter (hoping that the return order would be by descending date so limiting to 1 would get just the latest approval), but in testing via Postman I'm getting an error.
API GET call (where {TASK-ID} is an actual task ID):{TASK-ID}/approvals?limit=1
Does anyone know why "limit" doesn't work as described in the documentation?
Is there a better/different way to get information about just the last approval on a given task?
Hi Laura Boylan! I think someone from our Advanced Support could help with that, so I'm raising a ticket for you now 🙂
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
What was the solution on this? I assumed that the responce for the get approvals call are sorted with newest created date first. Is that not the case?
Hi Akshin Jalilov, thank you for sharing your question with us. I have opened a ticket with our Support Team on your behalf so our experts can provide you with an accurate reply. You will be contacted very soon 👍 Thank you!