Wrike Integrate - Example recipe to forward a Wrike task with attachments via email

Our use case:

One of our Wrike request forms allows staff to submit requests for assistance from our IT team. In most cases, the resulting tasks can be handled in Wrike. But in certain cases, the task needs to be sent by email to an external group that does not have access to Wrike. The request form allows the submitter to attach files, so those files need to also be attached to the email.

Our solution:

We created a Wrike Integrate recipe that does the following:

  1. Trigger on New/Updated Tasks in a specific folder, where the task-level custom field named Wrike Integrate is empty
  2. Send details from this task (including title, description, and attachments) via email to a specific email address. The email will also include the Wrike task permalink.
  3. Update the task to populate the Wrike Integrate custom field so this task does not trigger this recipe again on subsequent task updates.
  4. We also add a comment to the Wrike task indicating that it's being processed outside of Wrike, letting the user know how future task updates will be communicated, and close the Wrike task.

The challenge...for each attachment:

  • Any task attachment less than 5MB should be attached to the email
  • All task attachments greater than 5MB should be listed within the email body text with a note indicating they are too large to attach to the email (because Wrike Integrate limits Outlook email attachment files to 5MB or less each)

Example Wrike Integrate recipe:


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3 comentarios

Super useful ! Keep them coming, great job Laura Boylan

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Sam Gonzales, glad to see you're enjoying these posts! Have you checked out Wrike Discover yet? There is a course on Wrike Integrate about Wrike Integrate that I think you would enjoy. Here's the link.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Edited this post today to change the links to Workato recipes to support the new sharing mechanism they introduced a while back that broke the older links.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

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