Editing Custom Fields
I'm trying to use wrike's API with Postman. I am able to create a new custom field, but I don't see an option in the documentation to write to the custom field. I'm specifically interested in adding a users name.
This is the desired outcome I'm trying to achieve. Right now I have to manually add people's name to the custom field"Name".
Hi Maria, welcome to the Community 🙂
I'm going to raise a Support ticket for you - someone from the team will reach out to you to help.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Can someoene please provide a solution for this?
Hi Premise Health, welcome to the Community and thank you for posting. May I ask if you've had the opportunity to check our developers page?
Yes, I have seen your developer page; however, it have found zero documentation on how to POST to custom fields. I get that we receive the below response from your GET custom fields message but I do not know how an action would be setup to send information to these fields
"superTaskIds": [],
"subTaskIds": [],
"dependencyIds": [],
"metadata": [],
"customFields": [
"value": "South"
Hi Premise Health, thank you for your interest in Wrike API. Do I get it right that you would like to set a custom field value on a task? I will be happy to assist you with that!
You can update custom field values on tasks just like you would update any other task attribute, with the [PUT] /tasks/{taskId} method, and your updated custom field array (customFields) as a parameter. Here is a cURL example of such a request:
Please refer to this page for more details on this.
Let us know if you need any additional help 😊
Thank you @...
This really did help point me in the right direction. However, I am looking to do this for a project vs task. Is the method that same/similar? Also, is there a way to POST task/project with existing custom fields or would I have to do a POST then a PUT to update the custom fields?
I'm trying to create flow/actions within ServiceNow to make these requests.
Hi Premise Health, glad to hear that my suggestion is helpful, and thank you for the additional question. It is possible to create a project and pass a custom field value in a single [POST]/folders/{folderId}/folders call using 'customfoelds' parameter. Please note that you will need to add an optional 'project' parameter to your call. In this parameter, you specify project attributes like an owner, due dates, and status as values. The code below works like charm in my test account:
A similar call is available for the /tasks endpoint: https://developers.wrike.com/api/v4/tasks/
Please note that the custom field should already exist in your account. It is possible to create a field or check the id of the existing field through API using a call to /customfields endpoint. For more details, please refer to this page: https://developers.wrike.com/api/v4/custom-fields/
If the custom field is not added to the parent location of the newly created project, it might be invisible in the new item, but once you add it manually, the field will appear along with the value that was passed with the API call.
Feel free to drop us a line if any additional questions come up 😉
Thank you so much for your swift, detailed response!
Here is our REST configuration in SeriviceNow for other who needed assistance as well