How to Copy Custom Reports
Team - I've made a custom report for a project, with some post-processing. I want to make a copy of the report, and select another project.
I'll be running reports regularly, and too time-consuming / risky / error-prone to reselect each time.
If I could copy, I could make variant A with selection criteria for A; B for B; and so on.
Ideas? Thoughts?
Thank you in advance.
H Joe, this is something our team is interested in however it's in the early days of research. It would be great to get your vote on this post where many others just like you have raised this to our Product Team. Thank you!
Looking for this too. It's very frustrating to not be able to copy a custom report.
Thanks, Mary, it would be great to get your feedback and reports on the existing request linked above. This is the section where our Product Team keeps a close eye.
It's not on the roadmap ahead of other enhancements at the moment, but it's something our Product Team (and other members here) are interested in 👍