External Collaborators - Ability for non-Wirke users to respond to emails linked to a task

In Wrike you have the ability to add a comment to a task by email by adding the task email address to an email you send to someone, or by copying wrike@wrike.com with the task subject. This is great if everyone you are emailing has a Wrike account, all emails are logged to the task and you have an audit trail, you dont have to manually copy the contents of emails into Wrike and manage your mailbox.

The problem is that not everyone i email has a Wrike account, if someone without a Wrike account responds to an email with a wrike email address in it, then it bounces and is not logged in the task comments. I'm sure Wrike would love it if everyone had a Wrike account but this is not practical, i have suppliers and customers and i can not force everyone i work with to work in Wrike. Currently i have to manually copy the contents of emails to my Wrike tasks and manually annotate them to create an audit trail for my tasks.

What would be ideal is the ability to add an email address to an approved/whitelist list with a name, i could then add people from my address book and when they respond to emails with the Wrike email address copied in it would automatically add their responses to the comments of the task. I would then have a complete audit trail with no manual steps. I could add or remove email addresses to only allow who i want externally to be able to comment on tasks. It would be like having an external collaborator role in Wrike.


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same issue here ... a Jira-Service-Desk-like thing

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Thank you for reaching out Bastian Gurtner

I'll let you know here if there's an update from the Product team 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi Lisa - I was wondering if there were any updates on this functionality. My team is transitioning to Wrike from Basecamp. A big issue we have currently is that we can't get clients to join Basecamp for the few months that our project is active. 

It would be monumental if we were able to keep that cc and the post/thread appear in Wrike. Our team informed us that you have had a recent update that if the communication starts with a form that there is that possibility, but I don't want to have to attempt to explain to clients that they can only keep replying in that one thread. 

Any suggestions or updates?

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Hi Bethany Spaeth, welcome to the Community! 

That's right - the recent update that you've probably discussed with your account team allows email communication with non-Wrike users, and it does involve using an external request form. I'm afraid that this is the only solution currently. I'd be happy to help if you have any questions about it though! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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It would be nice if the external user didn't have to submit a request form to use the email function.  Our use case is where employees fill out a form, and once a document is ready to go, it is then emailed to an external user.  It would be nice if Wrike could do that, and then when the external user responds via email it goes back into the Wrike request/task/session (whatever it is called) and notifies the person or team that Task is assigned to via the Wrike Inbox notification.

It would also be nice to know what it would cost to develop this so I could put this in front of my management and show why it is needed.




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Thanks a lot for your feedback Stephen Bishop! For now, it's available via a request form only, but we appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this! We will pass on your feedback to our Product team 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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