Sorting itens in a dashboard
Dear Wrikers,
I want to sort a dashboard by priority. The custom widget allows to sort tasks by an elusive Priority field that I can´t find anywhere. Is it possible to sort it using a custom field (e. g. a dropdown custom field)?
Hi Daniel, it's not possible to sort by Custom Field but this could be a good suggestion for our Product Feedback section 👍
When you set Priority when creating the Dashboard, it means the list in Dashboard will be in the order you have the tasks in the List View. You can sort the List view by Priority (by drag and dropping) and then when you create the Dashboard, the tasks will show in the same order.
Slightly related:
I'd like to be able to sort items on a dashboard in both ascending (a --> z) AND descending (z --> a) order.
It seems we're currently limited to ascending sort order.
Or maybe I've missed that option somewhere?
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
@Lisa I would like the descending option with the Dashboards to show tasks that have been completed in the past quarter from most recent to the oldest. Currently it shows as the opposite so anyone going in to look for the more recent items has to scroll down every time. I already have a widget for items completed within the past month but would like to have the functionality to customize a separate widget to be able to show tasks slightly older than that.
@Lisa Chiming in here. I wish the sort order was descending! When i sort by date, we have to scroll way to the bottom to see the most recent. Up voting this one!
@Nelia @Marjorie thanks for commenting here 🙂
I can see how that would be useful too. Might be an interesting suggestion for the Product Feedback section.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I need to have descending as well to see which is the next job number.... Following to see if this gets added.