Creating a monthly reoccurrence - suggestion

Hi All,

My business does some tasks for our clients on the last working day of the month. Currently when you set a monthly reoccurrence there is no option to suit. Has anyone found another way around or would like to see this added in if possible?

- Tara

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Tara Hi! The best I can think of here is to set the recurrence for the 28th of the month. We're of course taking this as feedback though!

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You could also create 12 tasks, each recurring annually, but that creates a lot of clutter and I hate this option!!

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Hi Dara, perhaps creating the 12 tasks and have them set as On-Hold or deferred can reduce the clutter.

I also think the recurrent task options were updated since you posted.

Now you can choose for a task to generate on the 'last' day of the week of a month, which might be a better option for you?

Ps. Sorry for the late reply, this thread seemed to slip between the cracks somehow 😇

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