[Status: Launched! ๐Ÿš€] Faster Time tracking entry

Hi, We want our employees to use Wrike to follow the actual hours spent on tasks but currently, we have to open each task and click theย "add time entry" arrow. We are looking at a quicker way to do it. Unfortunately, we can't add time via "Table" view which would allow us to enter hours for all our tasks, let's say at the end of a day or week.

Any ideas or suggestion on how we can be more efficient in that regard?

Thank you


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Hi Vincent, thank you for the question! Right now the fastest way to add Time Log entries is the way you're doing it - at the task level (since entries are added for the current user). I understand that this is not the solution you are looking for, but just in case I want to mention that it's possible to create duration-type Custom Fields. However, in this case you would be tracking time by task, instead of showing individual time entries forย users. I also sent your feedback about making it easier to add multiple time entries over to our Product Team. Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.ย 

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The real solution could be development of a discrete specialized time-tracking client for wrike - in a desktop and mobile version, where an user could select switch play and manage tasks as tracks and tracklists in any modern music player. Please, develop it! And by the way don't forget that this decision could be sold as a separate product in a form ofย https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/timeular/zeio-the-most-simple-time-tracking-solution or the plasmaTV on a wall in a room

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I love the kickstarter project... That's a very good idea. But they don't ship yet and not globally or to North America at least. Aย solution for all users on Wrike websiteย would still be much appreciated.

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@Andrey,ย I've added your vote to Vincent's feedback, and sent these ideas over to our Product Team. Thank you for your input on this! :)

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I agree with Vincent so I voted for that feature... it would be great to be able to add time on the time log screen instead of only at the task level. ย When you are at the task level, sometimes you don't realize you've already added over 40 hrs for the week across all your tasks. ย So you are constantly having to go to the log screen to see what you have logged. ย Then you have to back out to the task screen to enter more time if needed. ย Would be much easier to just have a "+" button on the time log screen to enter time there, and then you can just select a task or something.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Jenina, thank you for adding the +1. I went ahead and moved this thread to the Product Feedback section so that other users can also find and +1 the request for being able to add time from the Table or Timelog View.

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I have one more related bit of feedback for this time tracking product feedback discussion... Wrike currently limits you to logging 23hrs and 59 mins for a selected day. ย For small projects that don't have dedicated PMs, I usually instruct people to enter their time once a week, and put their total time worked for the week on that day. ย 

ย It would be great if you had the option to put in a date range, and put more than 23hrs and 59 mins for that range. ย Or if you can't easily allow a date range to be entered, it would still be extremely helpful to remove the restriction on the number of hours that can be entered for a given date, so this time tracking tool can still be used. ย e.g. People could enter all their hours for the week each Friday. ย I tried just using a custom field and have people just put their hours in that, but it wasn't ideal because it doesn't show up in reports the same way, and the custom field doesn't show up on the time tracking tab/view. ย I'd love to be able to continue using all the time tracking functions of Wrike, but just give people more flexibility on how they enter their time.

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Hi Jenina, thanks for your input here! I like this idea, I think having time tracking in this format could be helpful to some users like yourself. This suggestion is related to the original post, but it would be better to see this as its own post. This way, it's more likely to get upvotes from other members who would also like to see this available in Wrike. You can create the post in theย Product Feedbackย section and add any additional information there also. Thanks!

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Thanks Stephen.ย  I added the suggestion in product feedback here:



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Perfect. Thanks!

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+1 on a Timesheet view.ย 

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+1 on this. I want this

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Improving how time tracking is entered would be one of the most important new features for our team and how we use Wrike.

Would love to have a time sheet view with the days of the week as columns and tasks as rows. You can then add the tasks that you work on to this view and copy some/all tasks from week to week. At the bottom of each column the accumulated time spent on the particular day could be displayed as well as a total for the week. This is how many time tracking systems I've used in the past work and would fit nicely within the Wrike framework.

Extending this,ย admin controls could be implemented to only allow adding time to tasks that have been allocated to that particular user and more...

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My team is joining Wrike from ProWorkflow ("PWF"). Of the many things we don't like about PWF, time tracking is one thing we DO like. Wrike's time tracking is probably the ONLY thing we're not that happy with.

Both PWF and TimeCamp both offer visual views (as opposed to tabular views) of your time, similar to what it sounds like Tom Napper and Carl Oreback shared above. A visual view of a user's time allows the user to see at a glance whether there are any blocks of empty space on the user's calendar where they might have forgotten to enter time. It's also a REALLY quick and easy way to enter time (click, drag, enter note, save).

Here are some screenshots of what we would love Wrike to have (this is a fairly common interface design pattern, so I'm not sharing any trade secrets here; Google Calendar uses a similar design pattern for its calendar, though not for time tracking, specifically):

Note that this second interface is super useful, as it expands the current day column as you're using it (i.e., if I clicked on Tuesday, the 6th, Monday would narrow, and Tuesday would widen).

Having this kind of interface for Wrike would make it the perfect system for my team. :)

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@Jerritte, thanks for sharing this level of detail (andย on your very first Community post ๐Ÿค—). I really like this idea and can understand how a visual representation could be useful.ย 

We read and review all Feedback Requests here and our Product Team regularly review the suggestions posted here so if I have an update on this I'll be sure to post back here.

Thank you for posting!

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I strongly recommended this solution as the ability to track and invoice time highly depends on the employees view on ease of data entry. The current solution doesn't score well on usability when an employee is assigned to multiple projects.

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One other barrier I've noticed in some of my team members (especially newer ones), is the manual-entry interface isn't as intuitive as it seems.ย Earlierย today, one of our newer team members was confused because when manually entering time (via the "+" icon above the "Minutes" box),ย when it got past 50 to 60, it would roll back to 00 butย did not add an Hour increment. So he logged a couple of 50 minute time entries, instead, to add up to what he was trying to enter. He was able to enter accurate time by adding the hours and minutes separately, but it seems as though the minute and hours boxes should be "connected."

The "Google Calendar" interface thatย Jerritte suggested a couple weeks ago would help alleviate this issue, as well, allowing users to create a "block" of time to enter, move around, etc. in an interface that lets them see any gaps, spaces, etc. in their time for a particular day.

(I'm happy to add this as a new post if that works better for the Community!)

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Time tracking is necessary for our company, too. Time entries made by an admin on behalf of other project members would help us a lot! Thanks in advance!

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A stop watch ability within the Wrike app would be useful, you have it on the website however on the app you are missing this feature

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Andrew - The app has the same functionality. In a task a user may hit the 'play' button to start time and a 'pause' button to start and stop time. The functionality is within the Task, but not in a Timelog report.ย 

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Andrew @Andy You guys are both right. Our Android App has the time tracker which you can start/stop. The iOS app has the option to add time manually, not via a running time tracker. Sue made a request for this functionality, it would be very helpful if you could add a +1 there.ย 

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We desperately need this as well ! An overview of your task and the hours spent on them, as "visual" as possible.

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Any real updates on this? The request was opened 15 months ago and would love to know where this lives on the roadmap. Is this something forthcoming? Ever?

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I'm looking for bulk time entry option too. Flexibility for time entry is a must.

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@everyone, as you can see the status of this post has been updated. It's good news! I don't have dates right now because the team needs to work on other affected functions, which takes time. Once I haveย a new status I'll be sure to update you here ๐Ÿ™Œ

Not sure how the Product Feedback statuses work? This article explains allย ๐Ÿ™‚

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As a new Wrike user, I am thrilled to read that Wrike is taking steps to improve the timelog functionality.ย  Not clear from Stephen's post of Sept 13 exactly what will be included in this change (several items were put forth) and also any even remote possible idea of when changes may occur.ย  I'm right now preparing to look at third party tools (and the expense that goes along with that) for a "timesheet" view.ย  As a new Wrike user, I'm pretty disappointed to have to go that route so quickly into an implementation.ย  But the time entry for non-task focused team members has been pretty cumbersome.ย ย 

I also wish Wrike could figure out a way to be more forthcoming with at least key milestone dates in the product roadmap.ย ย 

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Something else that would be helpful when considering the above.ย  If there is a solution to add time entries from the timelog view, having the ability to choose a blueprint task in addition to existing project tasks as part of the process by drag-and-drop would be great.ย  I have seen other requests for Due Time tasks so that if a task to be dropped onto a specific open time slot in the timelog view that would even be more fantastic.ย  Anything to make time entry as simple a possible goes a long way to the success of getting users to complete this task.


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We are currently conductingย pilot / proof of concept testing ofย Wrike. One of our first use cases is Time Entry. So far the feedback from testers has been less than glowing. One area of frustration is the fact that there isn't a time entry sheet built expressly for easy time entry. Without this, it is going to be a hard sell.

I do so the status of this is In the Making. Can you provide an estimate when you expect this functionality to be implemented? Even knowing what quarter would be extremely helpful.

Thank you.

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In Wrike labs you can see the Timesheet they are proposing to launch. According to the labs page "On April 30 it will be a part of paid Wrike Resource add-on", hopefully with the ability to add comments.


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Hi Tom,

Greatly appreciate the pointer to the labs. Unfortunately, I don't see the Timesheet listed. I only see the following there: Project Health, New Table View, Spellcheck, Google Calendar Integration.

Is there something that needs to be done for me to see the Timesheet?

Thank you,


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