Grief - Check Boxes now Strikethrough text when item is checked

We use Wrike to create our Agendas and we list the attendees with checkboxes next to names to indicate they are present.  We then copy and paste this agenda into an email to send the client.  We recently saw a feature that now causes the checked off item to be striked out.  One of our main use cases is to use Wrike to track meetings.  This new feature is not making this feature not so wonderful for us.

What else can be done to make this checkbox feature strikethrough optional cause It does not work for us.

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Hi Vincent! Thank you for sharing your feedback about the strikethrough formatting. I wanted to let you know that we released an update yesterday, and checked off items are no longer striked out :)

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hooray!  The entire group noticed yesterday and said YES!  Thanks for listening to us!

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