Forms Enhancement- Character Limit
We use forms for our teams in the field to request website updates. Specific sections of our site has character limits (150 characters, 110 characters, etc), so we'd love to be able to limit submissions we get and not have to rework 200 characters to fit in a 110 character slot.
I agree - It would be great on the custom field integration and Subtask Prefix addition if we could limit the characters of certain answer fields.
Kyle Howerton Digital Media Producer
This would be an amazing addition, we realised that the "short answer" responses aren't limited to the box area, so having a custom character limit is almost essential for titles and other information. Please let us know if this is on the radar for any future updates??
Many thanks,
Dale Fairless
Hi all, sounds like a logical request here, thanks for the use-cases it really helps understand how this would be used.
We'll ensure the Product team is made aware of the request and report back here with any updates.
For now, I wanted to mention Helper Text on Request forms which may help limit the number of words a requester chooses to write.
Any update on this feature? It's a critical and obvious feature of any "Form" so I'm pretty surprised the Wrike team has not acted on it. This is particularly essential for public forms where you can't guide and control proper use and submission criteria.
We tried the suggested helper text to note character limit but we saw no change.
@Merid Hi! I checked in with our Product Team and this: input limits for Request forms are something the team eventually wants to roll-out, but it's not currently scheduled for release on our roadmap calendar because the team is focused on other deliverables for the quarter.
This feature would be incredibly helpful for us. It seems like it should be an obvious feature of any form building tool, so hoping it can be rolled out soon.
Yes, this would be very helpful! To Stephen's point - the Helper Text isn't quite cutting it. We have even added (Use XX number of characters max) in the short answer field description and it doesn't keep people from extending beyond that limit. Whether it is the ability to establish a hard limit, or even a character counter that shows as you type, we'd really like to see one of the two added.
Thank you!
Hi @Stephanie Westbrook - any update on the ability to add these in? You mentioned there were other focuses for the quarter in August, which totally makes sense, but curious if maybe this is on the docket for Q4?
Thank you!
@Stephanie Westbrook How is this feature coming along? It's coming up on two years since the original request and one year since the last comment. This feature would be very useful for us as well. We'd like to use it with custom fields to do some automated things, but we can't enforce that the data we're gathering is good unless we can limit the field length.
We use forms to submit ad copy and it would be great if we could limit the characters for a particular box (different platforms have different ad copy character limits). +1 to this being added
Coming in almost 2023, six years after the initial request, I have only just began using forms and I agree this seems like a basic feature of a form. The character limit will allow me to have Non Wrike users fill this request form out without the cumbersome responses. Also having a custom character limit is almost essential for the Title field.
Thank you for adding your support for this request Kendra Ruiz, I'm passing it on to the team.
Looking to confirm either the word or character count for the short answer (one line) question and the paragraph.
Hi Neta Taylor , thank you for reaching out!
If the short answer question is mapped to the title, the limit would be 100 characters. This only applies to when one is filling out the form. Once the item is created in Wrike, one could edit the title to contain up to 1000 characters.
If the short answer is mapped to the description, there's generally no limit.
Hope that helps.
Darina Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Infórmate sobre las funciones y prácticas recomendadas de Wrike
Darina Wrike Team member Infórmate sobre las funciones y prácticas recomendadas de Wrike
Being able to set a character count for paragraph responses would be helpful for our use case as well. We have a bio form that asks open-ended questions of respondents. We want them to be able to add some content, but want to avoid super long responses. Adding the helper text to questions is a good idea and can help communicate the information. But being able to set a limit would still be beneficial. With all of the recent rollouts and updates to forms has this functionality made it onto the list for development?
Big thanks for sharing your use case Melissa Mourer!
Our team responsible for request forms don't have this planned for this year. However, they are aware of this need and we'll continue sharing your feedback with them. And, of course, we'll let you know if there are any changes here.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover