Remove Proofing Comments Feed

After posting Comments on a file using the Proofing feature, the Comments written automatically appear in the Comments section of the Task. These Comments often make no sense when the file isn't visible. Instead, it would be more helpful for Wrike to automatically post in the Task Comments: John Smith requested changes to this file. Then the person assigned to the Task knows to open the file to see the Comments. 

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Hi Nisa! :) Wanted to ask whether you think it would be better to keep the notification in the same stream, but remove the actual comments, or whether all Proofing comments and notifications should be in a separate stream?

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Nisa raises an interesting point/suggestion.  My challenge is actually the opposite, especially when on mobile, it can be difficult and time consuming to download the file in review to see the comments, so reviewing comments in the task comment history is helpful.  However, replies in the comment stream don't include the copy of the comment they are replying to so it forces us to open the document.  I might suggest both the original comment AND the reply be added to the comment stream when a reply comment is entered in a review.

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Hi Anastasia, From my perspective, the benefit of using the Proofing tool is that by being able to click on the actual area that needs proofing, you save time by not having to provide context in your Comment (e.g., “In the second sentence, change “that” to “this.” versus just “Change “that” to “this.”). But when only the Comment appears in the Stream without seeing the item, the Comment makes no sense because the context isn’t specified in the Comment. Therefore, I would recommend keeping the notification in the same stream but remove the actual Comments from the Stream.

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Alex and Nisa, thank you for the additional details, I love hearing about how you approach certain cases and use features, this is really helpful.

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We have found it really confusing to have all the feedback on any proofing process in the task feed. Ideally we'd like to see the feedback pertaining to one image ONLY when you click in the image/video, so it's seen and replied to in context. The task comment feed should be left for other task-specific comments or broader comments that aren't specific to the asset being proofed. While we're at it, comments should really be better organised and it should be clearer when each comment was made. Having threads would be great too - grouping comments as you would in a Google doc, for example so you always know what the original comment was.

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I agree! It's really hard to navigate to find general comments about a job when the proofing comments are in the same thread (sometimes there are a lot of comments!). I'd love to keep proofing comments within its own section.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Catalina @Vanessa Excited to have you both on the forums 🙌 ! I recently had to do a lot of proofing and I completely understand where you guys are coming from with this request. Great to have you both sharing your thoughts here. 

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Agreed! My team is finding it a bit cluttered and hard to find other communication on a task/project when the review comments are in there. It would be nice to have an option to shut them off from the feed and only have them in the review. Maybe the feed could be the basic "John D. Made a Comment" and the full comment would be in the actual review area or a separate feed of some sort?



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I Agree!  Having comments appear in the comms feed is pointless and I would prefer to have an option where these can be taken off. We would only review comments on the pdf/image doc itself.

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I would also like to be able to see who approved/rejected at each version. Currently, you can only identify reviewers IF they made a comment. However, if they just approved the file, there is no history that they looked at it. We would like to be able to confirm that group X did review and approve (or reject) a file.

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Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback! It has all been passed on to our Product team, I don't have an update for you at the moment but as soon as I have one, I'll let you know 😊

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Our team is having the same challenge. Seeing and trying to navigate the approval/review notes show in the comment feed of a task is very frustrating to our team. Please let me know if there is a way to disable this function and to only show/keep task comments in the task comment feed and where only approval/review notes and updates only happen in the approval/review window.



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Hi Remoy Philip, welcome to the Community! 

Sorry for the late reply here! Our Product team is aware of this suggestion and we pass on the feedback from this thread to them. There are no updates at the moment, but we'll continue to check with the team to see if they can fit this in their plans. Thank you for sharing your feedback! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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