Timelog default to ME only

Every time one enters the screen in timelog...one always has to di-select the others in the filter.
 .....the default should just be ME....
If one wants to see others..then they should just be added by selecting the person.
My employees just want to see their timelog.
Can this be fixed by Wrike in your next release?????
Thank you for taking this into consideration.
Upvote 25
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I would agree with this.  There are other aspects of the Timelog settings that should be able to set as defaults.  If I prefer to always see today's data, I should be able to set that as a default.  Right now, I always have to open the filter pane and choose today.  This can be improved, it's very useful and I am always using it.


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Hi @Sevilla and @Denny! Thank you for sharing this request, the idea is great. Although this isn't on our current roadmap, I can definitely understand how a customizable default view could be useful. 

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I would like to add to this.. I support the above and implore you to make it a priority - all your users would benefit greatly!

ALSO - if you are going to build this - please take it futher as:

 - you should be able to set a default folder and default time filter (e.g. this week)

 - and then save the short cut link somewhere - even to your dashboard as 'my timesheet'.

this really is a massive time burner especially because if you need to edit your timesheet you are dropping in and out of the timelog view and it seems to often reset so I'm applying the same filters many times throughout the day/session. So even if you could also make it so the timelog view settings don't change each time you exit the view that would be a help - perhaps that is an easier starting point? 

Thanks guys. 



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Hi Emily, thank you for posting here! These suggestions are really helpful, thanks for going including all of those details about your use case. I also wanted to share another Community feedback post with you, it's similar to your idea about creating a Dashboard widget, and I though you might be interested in adding your vote there too: "Day at a Glance" Widget for Dashboard.

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Yes please add this to the roadmap as our team is having similar issues. The Timelog view is great but we need the ability to set default filters. It's incredibly tedious to reset those filters 3-5 times a day, 5 days a week. We need the ability to customize the default setting per user. 


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Jessica, thank you for adding your feedback here!

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Hi Anastasia,

We would also like to request to add this to the roadmap in order to have the option to set default filters and views in the Timelog screen on for all users.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Simeon Galabov

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Hi Simeon, thank you for adding your comment here! Wanted to remind everyone to click the "+" under the original post to add your vote here, in case you haven't already. This helps track the popularity of requests on the Community. :)

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First, much thanks to Elly L for pointing me to this post!

The TIMELOG screen is incredibly useful for our company when entering and tracking weekly time.I really like how the filters/groups can be configured to view my work across projects with roll-up at different points. Also really like how the view may be edited in real-time if for example I need to change TIME SPENT or COMMENT or other. The TIMELOG screen would be absolutely perfect if we could also:

1) Save multiple filters

2) Set a default filter

3) Enter new Tasks

Elly did recommend that we look at Reports to see if that was a potential solution. Was able to create a Report that displays almost the same info as the TIMELOG view however Category is missing and it still lacks the real-time editing feature of the TIMELOG view.

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Timetracking is never fun. It is, however, a necessity and function for all project management.

Our company has many small, concurrent projects, and it's helpful to have a running stream of project notes for quick review. If filter settings can be preserved the timelog can become a very practical tool for both time entry and review of running project notes.  As things stand, it's unusable for this as it takes too many clicks to see all running notes.

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Hi, we miss this feature too - our team started using timelog for tracking hours spent on particular tasks. Every time they want to see their timelog for past week/month etc. thay have to set the filter again and again.

I vote for this.


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Please add this feature!   It would be good to have the filter just remember the last state so that it doesn't have to be selected each time it is viewed.  Very cumbersome as it now is having to re-select it each time.


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Hi all, I really like this idea. Although it's not planned right now, your vote can help change that so please make sure to upvote the original post 👍

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The default timelog filter of "this week" makes it look like my projects don't have any activity recorded when I try to look at a glance.  Since our projects run for 2-5 years, being able to see all time as my default would save me 3 clicks each time I click on the timelog view for each of our 120+ active projects.  Y'all are killing my mouse hand!!!!!  At least stop pre-selecting this very irritating filter for me as if you know what's best for my team.  Best case would be to allow us to pre-set our favorite filters, as mentioned numerous times in numerous ways above.

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