Applying Template to Requests

I would love to have an "apply template" feature within a received request.  I am an admin and our department works by making everyone fill out various request forms when they need something.  This means that I wouldn't have to assign and schedule tasks from scratch each time I added them to a request I've received.  Please see the breakdown in steps below
1) someone within the company fills out a request
2) since I am the admin, I get notified that a new request has been put in
3) I go to the request and want to assign the tasks needed for that project to other people
4) in a perfect world, I would click "apply template" within the submitted request (which is now a project) and then all the correlating tasks would be scheduled out and I could assign them
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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Beth! This is a really interesting idea, thank you for sharing. It sounds like your team already has some templates built out, but just want to confirm if that's the case? If not, happy to talk through how to create a some templates in the Workspace.

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I like Beth's idea. We have a number of templates built out with 3-8 tasks per project. We have Request forms and submitted ones come to me. I determine which of the templates best suits the request. I duplicate that Template, rename, include the Request's unique number in the name of the project. Then I copy and paste all of the info from the Request Form to the newly created Project. Moving attached files from a Request Form field into the newly created duplicated, renamed Project is a tad laborious. Beth's idea would really make the Request form trim several manual steps the Admin must perform in order to get the details of the job converted into a Wrike Project.  Thanks.


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Hi Dru, thank you for sharing the details about your use case! Something I thought of when reading this, which could help make the process of moving information easier, is to include the Request task in the new Project itself. It can be renamed to something like "Overview", and will include all relevant info and attachments. A link to the task can also be included in the Project description field. Would this help? Once more, thank you for all of the information about your use case, this is really helpful!

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Hi everyone, I'm really excited to be able to share some great news just hours after my previous comment! We just released an enhancement to the Request Builder, and now you can configure your Forms to create not only tasks, but Projects too:

@Dru, this means that all of the details and attachments included in the Request are automatically carried over to the Project info. Happy to answer any questions about this new release! :)

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This is helpful!  I think even better than the drag, drop and rename!

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Although, that takes care of getting the info in one place without the drag and drop, it still doesn't apply a timeline to the project.   In order to use the timelines built in the templates, you would still need to duplicate and start a new project.

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Hey all, i just wanted to expand on this topic. I recently posted with a similar feature request: Option for Request Forms to use Templates.


I'll let you head over there to look, I dont want to muddy the water but fell that this request may also be of interest to you. The summary is: Adding an option to the request form setup, where you can pick a template task or project to be used when a request form is submitted. ie, it creates the task/project using an existing template.


I'd love to see both these features. I think the ability to apply a template to a task or project, post creation would be invaluable, as well as the ability to apply a template automatically on form submission.

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Hi everyone, thank you for your input on this, it's great to see a discussion with so many awesome ideas. I wanted to give a quick update and let you know that we're working on expanding the Request Forms feature, and while it's too early to share a timeframe, we're looking at this functionality as one of the options :)

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Great news that projects can be created now. I preferr the option for Request Forms to use templates described in the other thread. Like that we can trigger whatever action we like from the template. Tasks that need to be triggered manually because somebody has to review the request first don't need to be active and the workflow described here would work too

1) someone within the company fills out a request
2) the admin (or whoever the template attributes it to) gets notified that a new request has been put in
3) you go to the request and assign the tasks needed for that project to other people based on tasks in the template (or add new ones)
4) activate all tasks that need to be executed
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Template from Task would be great.   I hope this gets implemented.   We have people request a items and then we have the receiver of the request complete about 25 checklist items that need to be done before the task is complete.   We use the check boxes for this.

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I would like to take this one further:

Creating the Request Form:

   - You can specify a task template

The task template:

  - You can specify the name of the task using parameters from the request form

  - For example,

           - the template task has a name of "Training for <Office Name>".

           - The user requests training for "Miami", which generates a task with the name "Training for Miami"

Additionally, the task template would have sub-tasks that could be setup the same way

  - For example,

           - The task template above, "Training for <Office Name>" could have 4 sub tasks

          - Sub-task 1:  "Training <Office Name> - Send Pre-Requisites"

          - Sub-task 2:  "Training <Office Name> - Book Travel"


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Thanks for the comments, everyone! @Todd, that's some really interesting logic, I love how you structured that!

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