[Status: Investigating ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ] Automatically Expand Subtasks in List View?

I am stumped... Please forgive me if this answer is somewhere on the community, but I cannot find it.

Is there an option to automatically expand tasks that have subtasks in the List view? ย See screen shot. Yellow highlighted portion is what I want to expand. ย When I click the three dots (circled in red) I don't have an option to show subtasks.

It's a pain in the neck to manually expand them all.

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@Megan, thank you for bringing this up! Right now the "Expand All" option is available in Table View, but I can definitely see how it would be useful to do the same in the List.

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yep - it's kind of essential. is there a plane for this release?

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Hi Steve, thank you for commenting here! While I don't have a timeframe to share, I wanted to let you know that we're internally discussing ways to improveย the subtask functionality and viewing experiences, so it's really helpful hearing your feedback about this.

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+294 Expand All in List View


THAT would be AMAZING!!!! ย It would allow me to expand all tasks and sub-tasks then change their respective statuses much quicker than having to go through each parent task and expand it.

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Ditto the request for enhancement. I live in List view and expand all would make life wonderful.ย 

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Hi @LeeAnn and @Barry, thanks for adding your comments here! If you haven't already, make sure to add your vote by clicking the "+" under the original post - this will help us track the popularity of this request. :)

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Agreed with the original request.

Please add the capability to expand all the subtasks in list view for the currently highlighted task. You should also consider adding a (Yes/No) preference that could be set to allow automatically expanding all subtasks in list view whenever selected. If the preference is set to Yes, then whenever we open a task that has subtasks, all the subtasks below, plus all nested subtasks below would automatically open in the list view. If the preference is set to No, then I would want to have an option to "expand all subtasks" or "collapse all subtasks" for my selected task in list view. The option should be in the dialog box of the "three vertical dots" icon.

Thank you for your consideration and willingness to make Wrike more productive.


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Agreed as well. ย The reason we went to Wrike was the ability to so easily create sub-lists and sub-sub-sub-lists. ย 

It's become very monotonous for my team to uncheck all.ย 

Please add :) ย !!

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Another thought about the dialog box selections when the preference to expand all subtasks is off would be to add multiple right-click dialog box options to allow me to expand all subtasks below the selected task, and also an option to expand all "next-level only" subtasks below the selected task. This way I could easily drill down through my nested subtasks in only the specific thread I am interested in.

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We are on a test drive with Wrike, and really .... Really .... REALLY need to be able to expand the tasks in List View !!

We create multi-phase SW development project plans, with hundreds of steps in them. ย 


PLEASE add this feature


Thank you !

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Yes - this would be very beneficial. Otherwise, it's extremely cumbersome. Table view isn't helpful either. While it enables us to expand all--there's no way in that view to reschedule or reassign several tasks at once as in list view. It's crucial to have this in list view for that reason.

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It would be a tremendous help if the LIST VIEW can expand sub-tasks as well when the ANY status is selected. ย This way, one can easily see the whole picture when ANY status of the project is selected. ย We have our reasons why we''d like to see it even though it does not make sense to engineers who built it. ย  ย  It should also expand sub-tasks that are ACTIVE when you select the ACTIVE status. ย Wrike, please consider this.....thank you.. ย THANK YOU. ย  ย 

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Please add

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I'm on a test drive with Wrike and I like what I see, but it's a bit worrying that a simple request like this, for what I see as an essential feature, remains unresolved after so many months.ย Is there an ETA for this please?

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Hi Kenneth, our Product Team are aware ofย the feedback here, however, it's not currently on their short-term roadmap. If and when this changes I'll be sure to update you here.

All comments and votes on posts help the team understand the popularity and need for this feature so thank you for getting involvedย ๐Ÿ‘

As an aside, welcome toย Community and if you have any questions while testing, your Community is here to help ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

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Agree that this feature is long overdue

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+1 for this request.ย  It is strange that expand all is only supported in Table and Timeline view but not List view.

Additional request: Can the expand all choice be latched so that when I switch between views I don't have to constantly click expand all to see my subtasks.ย  This is very frustrating when trying to setup up a project timeline.

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Please consider adding this feature soon!

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Man, I could really use this feature. Now that mass editing exists in the new list view, this would be icing on the cake to let me select a bunch of subtasks quickly.ย 

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Not critical, as we only have a handful of these large projects per year, but it would definitely be helpful.

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A workaround with keyboard shortcuts until this is implemented:

1. Go to the bottom of your List.

2. Highlight a task.

3. Right arrow to expand subtasks. [Assumes no nested subtasks]

4. Arrow up.

5. Repeat 3-4.

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Adding my request for this feature. Such a pain to have to go through and expand individually to adjust dates or assignments. Please implement!


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Hi everyone, thank you for your continued support here. The post has now 48 votes, 12 more and we'll add a Product Status to it, so please upvote ๐Ÿ‘ย 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Just wanting to say that this is something that is also very important for us.ย 

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It is a shame, this feature would have kept us using Wrike, but we have now moved on to other solutions.ย 

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Hey this currently has 60+ votes can we get a Product Status added to it (and hopefully the feature request added!)ย ย 


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It's way past time for this to be implemented. People run the risk of missing due dates on subtasks because of this.

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Hi everyone, thanks for your support here! For now, this is not planned by our Product team - I'll get back to you after checking with the team again in Q1 2020.ย 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Seems silly to not implement a feature request that has high demand and is probably not that complicated to implement.ย ย 

Looking forward to update in Q1 2020.

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Please allow Expand All to tasks in List View.ย  It is waaaay too cumbersome to do this individually when you have a complex project.


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