extra column for the fractional time format in the timelog table view.

I would like to see a setting to have as peference the minute view (x minutes / x hours) or the fractional time view (0,x or 20.4) hours

Also in the timelog table view an extra column to be selected as fractional hours


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i miss also the group by column to sort tasks with each other.

its logical to have as option to see the dates aligned but then also second the tasks grouped. .now i see one task 0.x minutes and 10 entries later another time entry of the same task of 0.x it would be efficient to have an optional sort on a second column

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Jan thanks for the feedback! About grouping tasks on the Timelog View, if you click the "Task title" column, tasks become grouped by task title and within that grouping are sorted by date. Please let me know if you were referring to a different type of grouping. 

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Did the option ever get added to view time in fractions as well as hours?  This is a time waster for our team as we have to reconcile billing to wrike time logs. To get fractional hours that requires pulling and exporting to excel in order to get fractional hours.  If it can export that way to excel then the data is in Wrike.  How can I enable that as an additional column in timelog or table view? 

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Hi Sue, thanks for your post. Our Product Team is aware of the feedback about this and although it's not on our short-term roadmap, once we have any feedback or updates on this feature we'll be sure to update the Community. Thanks again!

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Hi, what is the problem, why don't you Excel export the same from report and timelog?

In Wrike Timelog I can see Parent folder, I need this in Excel, and I also need the hours (Fractional) which I get in the Excel Export.

In report it is different? In Excel export, I do get ”Parent folder but NOT ”Time (fractional) wich i need?

I need both to continue doing Statistic. I can of caurse do it manually (as @jan Dijk explains in 2016) but would be nice to get it automatically, when you already have both but not in same Export


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