[Status: Released ๐Ÿš€] Completed projects


Is there any other way to remove projects from the projects list without deleting them or moving them to an archive folder?

As we have 5 levels in projects we should ceate an archive folder per level which resultst in over 100 archive folders.

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Agreed 100%; ย this is our biggest challenge here as well. ย Really needs a true archive solution.ย 

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Hi @Ronald and @Steven! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, an archiving solution is a great idea, and I'm moving it to our new Product Feedback section so that other users could add their votes. I know that you are already familiar with our recommendations on managing completed Projects, and this isn't the solution you're looking for, but I wanted to share a couple of postsย in case they help other users:

Happy to hear any other thoughts about these ideas!

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I agree, i have completed projects and i am hoping you will develop this soon so i can have them removed from my list. Many thanksย 

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Automated archiving of completed projects would be very helpful. ย With over 100 organizational departmental and organizational projects and countless departmental initiatives in a single year, this is time consuming and results in the set-up of many redundant folders to allow easier navigation of archived projects. ย Seems like if a task 'disappears' from view when complete that a project should as well. ย 

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I agree regarding automated archiving projects - If the system was able to automatically archive closed projects (as it does tasks) our team would save countless hours over the year.

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Yes; really need this feature ASAP. ย It's a huge administrative burden on us.ย 

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Hi everyone, thank you for weighing in on this request! I'm really interested in hearing some moreย about this. It sounds like the option everyone is looking for would be to automatically move a Project with the "Completed" status to a designated archive area for all completed Projects, is that right? Do you think it wouldย also be helpful for there to be a way to sort and group Projects with other statuses too? Looking forward to hearing your ideas about this!

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Something like this:



Basically like a Task Disappears when completed. and to see them you have to use a filter to show all. ย Same idea for the Project Level. ย Basically there should be a ย Active/Completed/All views of the projects within the folders. ย  Maybe right click on a folder and it will give you a view option. ย  ย By right clicking on the project you should have the option to turn it to Archive Status.ย 

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Yes, in general project level status sorting/grouping/manipulation would be very helpful. ย  Right now there is limited options for searching/filtering at the project level.ย 

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Yes agreed! We use Wrike as our creative project request system, and it would be great to 1) show the project status to our team and the client/other departments and 2) archive projects we know will resurface next year.ย 

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@Steven and @Kaitlin, thanks so much for following up! Those are some useful insights, I really appreciate it. @Kaitlin, when a Project resurfaces after some time, do you continue working on the same Project in Wrike, or do you duplicate it and work on an identical, but fresh set of tasks?

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For us; we start a new project. ย ย 

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If we were to resume a project, we would have not actually completed it but instead placed it on hold or marked it inactive (dependent on how long the project is on hold). For us completing projects mean that they were formally closed or that they will not be resumed at a later date.

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I would like to echo everything above. I am having to move projects into an Archive folder I created manually.

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This is something we would also like. A concern about the current archiving approach, aside from it being manual, is that it moves the project out of the original folder(s) where it lived. Since we have a well thought-out folder structure, that would mean losing a lot of information about the project. I realize we could recreate a similar structure under our archive folder, but then we would have to keep it in sync.ย 

I also agree that Asana handles archiving projects very well and that would be the functionality I'd be looking for from Wrike as well.

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Well said, Tierney. That complex folder structure is the very same problem we are experiencing.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Thanks everyone who has chimed in here!ย 

@Tierney That's a great point. While I don't have an immediate solution, I do want to share what I do personally within our Wrike account.ย Instead of having a general archive Folder, we have individual Archive Folders within team Folders, or other top-level Folders. I know this might not work for you (depending on how built out your Folder structure), but did want to mention it as a possibility.ย 

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Just jumping in to Echo all above, archiving is super important so that users no longer see tasks popping up that they do not need to focus on anymore. However...for legalย & knowledge base purpose its mandatory for most companies to hold on to their archived projects. Currently its a massive burden to individually "fake" archiving projects.

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Hi Imran, thank you for weighing in on this and sharing some insight on the different cases where this is needed. One other tip I wanted to share, which I've heard before from our Customer Success Team, is replicating the Folder tree in the archive structure. Any Folders which serve as top-level locations and house Projects in your account are recreated in the archive, making organization easier even after a Project has been completed. I understand that this isn't the solution you're looking for, but hopefully it's something that could help you or other users in the meantime. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts here!

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Anastasia, With the strong consensus on this issue, has Wrike added this to their development road map? If so, any idea of when we might see a solution so we don't have to use these cumbersome workarounds?

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I agree with all the above comments and want to echo that I share their frustrations as well.ย 

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Agreed. This one item could be a cause of none renewal for our 40 license account.

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@Anastasia - unfair question: Where on the roadmap is this feature for the product team? Perhaps knowing this will alleviate anxiety of other account owners.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi everyone, we checked in with our Product team about this.ย They have considered/are considering how to improve this functionality, and there are definitely good suggestions here, but one of the factors is how to approach edge cases. It's not on the short-term roadmap (so not for this quarter), but it is something the team wants to address. Your upvotes and comments here really do help us keep this conversation open with PMs.

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@Stephanie - it's a little disappointing to hear a good archiving solution is not on the short-term roadmap. For a project management tool I'd consider it and essential feature. I'm currently usingย Wrike as part of a pilot within my organisation and the lack of decent archive function is one of the biggest issues with the system I've struck so far. After only five months of use my project list is getting very difficult to navigate and I desperately want to hide the projects that are completed. I've read all the advice about creating an archive folder, but I have a complex hierarchy set up (because the organisation has a complex client structure) and I don't want to either lose or have to recreate and manually maintain that as part of an archive.

I would like to see Archived added to theย statusย list at the project level, rather than rely on the status being Completed. There are times when I'd like to keep a completed project in the list for a short time. Similarly with Cancelled projects.

An alternative would be to simply add proper filtering to the Projects list and allow us to choose the project status to display - similar to the way it works with the task list.


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Well said Rob; ย Couldn't agree more. ย ย 

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@Rob - I like your idea of filtering as a short term option.
@Stephanie - Agree with Rob that this should be a higher priority for Wrike's development team.

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This function is very essential and I feel we are outgrowing Wrike taskmanager as it is not suitable to manage tasks without archive or status function.

Although we loved to use wrike, if this is not fixed before our new subscription starts we will considrย to switch to another system. There many other task managers now who offer those basic functions

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that your comments are being read and we continue to bring this up with our Product team during our sync sessions. If the roadmap does change I will make sure to update this thread. Thank you all forย sharing with us.

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Yes, I have the same issue.ย What I really miss in Wrike (or I can't find it) is a deactivate function for folders and projects. Right now our menu is gettin bigger and bigger. It would be cool that by default only the active folders and projects are visible, and that I can use a filter ย to also show the inactive folders en projects.


I Actually would't like them to achive by itself, I would prefer a filter option.

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