IF Statements with more than one condition
Has anyone done any IF Statements in Wrike Analyze?
We have one set up against our Timelog categories to calculate the chargeable hours & spend.
Originally we had just billable and non billable as we had one rate, however we have had a rate change for new business, so that means I need to have both rates calculated in the report.
Below is our current IF statement with filters on the timelog to only bill if the Timelog is Chargeable.
I've tried to add a new condition, similar as you would in excel but I'm struggling to get it to work.
SUM([Task ID],IF((SUM([Total Timelog Time Spent (minutes)]),[Timelog Category])>0,((SUM([Total Timelog Time Spent (minutes)]),[Timelog Category1])/60*160),0))
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Hi Greg!
Great question. If I understand your need correctly, you would like to have the spend multiplied by 160 for one Timelog Category, and multiplied by a different number for another Timelog Category, correct? In this case, I think just adding the two IF statements together should do the trick. Something like this:
where each IF statement calculates for your specific category.
Let me know if that is what you're looking for! If I didn't understand the question correctly, you can also check out the CASE Function for multi-case IF conditions.
Mark Tapia Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Erfahren Sie mehr über Wrikes leistungsstarke Funktionen und lernen Sie Anwendungsbeispiele kennen
Mark Tapia Wrike Team member Erfahren Sie mehr über Wrikes leistungsstarke Funktionen und lernen Sie Anwendungsbeispiele kennen