Blueprint Prefix
As of right now, Task Prefix Names can only be added to the beginning of the "Task Project Names".
But I am wondering if I am able to add the Task Prefix Name to the END of the "Tasks Project Names" instead.
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As of right now, Task Prefix Names can only be added to the beginning of the "Task Project Names".
But I am wondering if I am able to add the Task Prefix Name to the END of the "Tasks Project Names" instead.
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It would be great to see the task name first then the associated project as a suffix.
I would like to request the option to add a prefix when duplicating a blueprint WORKFLOW not a project - I often pull various workflows into one singular project. If I were to duplicate blueprint projects (to enable the prefix option) then I would end up with many layers of projects w/in projects which of course would not be ideal for efficient dashboards or reports.
Any talk of this ???
Stacey Gill Munich Re
Is there any consideration for this added functionality? I waste a significant amount of time creating blueprint projects to take advantage of the prefix option only to drag the sub tasks into another existing project - and then deleting the blueprint project that was just created.
Requesting prefix option when creating blueprint sub tasks.
Stacey Gill Munich Re
Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback here! It's been passed on to the Product team.
This is currently not planned to be added on the short-term roadmap. As soon as I have an update on the status of this suggestion, I'll be sure to let you know.
Are there any updates on adding a suffix to the blueprint functionality?
No updates at the moment Katie Johnson, but I'll share your interest again with the respective Product team.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Hi! Really hoping this request gets prioritized soon, our team spends so much manual time updating tasks names to have the Task Name first then the Associated Project as a suffix. Working on small laptop screens makes it hard to see the differentiator at the end of the task names, they are often hidden.
Hi Katie Johnson, thank you very much for the additional feedback, I can see how this improvement would be beneficial for users and I've shared your comment with our dedicated team 👍 We will keep you updated in case there are any changes.