Re-notify button or function for reviewers

Can there be a "re-notify" button or function to remind reviewers that they have a review pending?  I spend more time reminding reviewers by email, telephone, smoke signals, etc. that I'm waiting for their review and approval. Thank you!

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Smoke signal sounds about right for our team too! I'd love this to be added as a feature too.


Should be similar to the 'request status update' button that is on tasks normally?

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YES!!! I so agree on this one. I think this is really needed. I do the same and it is such a time sucker.

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Yes, I have currently been using custom workflows for this but I really need something that re-notifies a reviewer or assignee after a certain amount of time.

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I've recently discovered a way to re-notify Guest reviewers only. By clicking on their name, a pop up window will open and select the option to "Edit Invitation". Another window will open with a checkbox to "Resend invitation", an area to write a 'Friendly reminder" message, and to change the Access date. This will not work for reviewers that are already on the team, only Guest reviewers. Although it's nice to be able to re notify GRs, it would still be nice be able to re-notify all reviewers.



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Great workaround, @Deborah 🙂

@Everyone, I don't have an update for now, but let's try to keep this conversation going. I'll refer other Community members with similar suggestions here 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This is scaring me. I'm wondering if we made the right decision with Wrike. This ability isn't some fun gee whiz i wish it had this functionality, this is CRITICAL to our work getting done on time. Has ANYONE found a workaround for ACTUAL REVIEWERS? 

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Well for now we're @mentioning them to remind them, and we've started using dashboard widgets to keep an eye on everything in review. I hope a feature gets added to re-poke reviewers. 

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Even Deborah's work around doesn't work for me. Nothing happens when I click on the names of guest reviewers, but I agree that this would be a valuable add.

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Denise Fuson  hopefully you've found a work around over the past year but I just had problems too figuring it out.  You have to drop down the carrot, and then you should be able to hover over each individual person and  edit the invitation, at which point you can select 'resend invitations.  Super not intuitive!


Wrike where is the solution!?  I think this needs to be revamped as we constantly need to resend to requestors during every iteration and they lose their original links, and the share link doesn't seem to work as it's behind passwords.  It's also tedius to have to go into every single approver to resend, there should be a quick and easy button that allows you to resend invitation to all!



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Hi Joel Desmond, welcome to the Community! 

Thank you for sharing your feedback, I'm passing it on to the Product team. 

In the meanwhile, would it be useful for your team to set up the widget to keep track of all the pending reviews?

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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