Global Zoom
Can support be added to the Wrike for Mac app for zoom? Not the Gantt chart zoom but a global zoom like a standard browser offers. The font/display size doesn't take advantage of larger monitors.
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Can support be added to the Wrike for Mac app for zoom? Not the Gantt chart zoom but a global zoom like a standard browser offers. The font/display size doesn't take advantage of larger monitors.
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Yes it will be great if you can zoom in or out like you do with the browser in my Macbook Pro I cant see all the information I need to see because of the large font.
Agreed. I find myself going back to the online version so I can zoom out and see 50+ rows of project lines in the Gannt chart on my large monitor. Wish it was possible in the Mac app. Please add!
Agree being able to zoom would be handy. We have someone working with us with sight problems - zoom might be able to help them, at the moment they are shying away from using Wrike.
Agreed!!! I was thrilled that the app finally came out. But I'll have to immediately return to the online version because of this, can't work with such a large font and without the scaling option. Please add ASAP.
Same here, I love the Mac app because it can have tabs, but not being able to zoom is a huge downfall.
When I installed the app today, I was expecting more user controls to be available, not fewer. Will be shifting back to browser version until font size can be adjusted to see more rows in Gantt charts.