My OverDue Tasks widget on web version won't show on Android dashboard
I use this widget a lot on my web dashboards so naturally I was surprised when it didn't show up on the Android version. Any ideas why?
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I use this widget a lot on my web dashboards so naturally I was surprised when it didn't show up on the Android version. Any ideas why?
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If I create my own widget from scratch and choose something like "last week" as the date filter it does work and does show up on my Android dashboard.
HOWEVER - you cannot make a widget that shows all overdue tasks!!?! You have to use the built in one they offer as a widget - but that one does not show up on the Android dashboard.
This kind of thing is weird and not expected from a mature product like Wrike?
My bad.....
1) you can create your own custom widget and use the "overdue" filter from the TASKS TO DO section....I missed that the first time. I was looking only in DUE DATE.
2) You could also go to list view and create the view you want and make a dashboard widget from it there. That';s what tipped me off to the filter I missed.
As you were...:)
😃 Thanks for coming back Jason!