Set default views per folder or user

It would be great if we were able to set a default view by folder. Even better if by user. Being able to copy the view is helpful, but its hard when there are a lot of users with varying levels of Wrike know-how. Knowing that list view will be retired it would be very helpful to be able to set a default view so everyone can get used to seeing something and those power-users would be able to adjust. It is tedious to have to go into every project to adjust the view and would be helpful for admins to make that on the back end so everyone has a common experience. 

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Hi Bekah Coenen 👋
It is possible to set a default view for each folder or project in Wrike. When you set a default view for a folder, it becomes the default for everyone with access to that folder. This is a universal setting, affecting all users who open that folder or project. To set a default view, right-click on the folder or project and select "Set default view" from the options. A screenshot is attached for your reference.

Also, the Personal View feature might help. This allows you to create a custom view that is only visible to you. This means you can tailor your view according to your preferences without affecting other users. Each user has the flexibility to create their own personal views with specific settings that work best for them. These views are marked with a lock icon to signify their exclusivity.

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