Hide Effort Field
Proposing an update to access roles functionality in Wrike allowing admins to determine who can see effort allocated to a task. We've run into issues where staff work to the number as opposed to the goals of the task.
While effort should reflect the expected amount of time it should take to achieve those goals, the budget should be the concern/responsibility of Directors and PMs while staff focus on delivering the best results possible without self-imposed restrictions due to some fear of spending too much time. You can ask them to 'ignore the hours' but that is not something you can really control. And if a project has been misquoted, that falls on the Directors and PMs.
While a custom field could technically achieve this, that would negate all of the forecasting and reporting benefits utilizing the effort field provides for non-staff.
Thank you for sharing your suggestion for access roles Jake Yohn 👍 I'll let our team know about it.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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