[Automations] Possibility for the action involving the modification of a custom field to be adjusted in relation to the value it had before the automation was triggered.

  • We would greatly appreciate if we had the option, for the action involving the modification of a custom field, to be adjusted in relation to the value it had before the automation was triggered. There are numerous use cases where we would greatly benefit if the custom field could be updated incrementally in relation to the value it contained when the automation was triggered. For example (highly relevant to our operations): updating a custom field of type "date" by adding "x" number of days to the previously recorded date in the same custom field. Another example (less important for us at the moment but potentially crucial for many other use cases of your clients): updating a custom field of type "number" or "currency" by adding a value "x" to the previously recorded value in the custom field.
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Hi Giovanni De Giovanni,

for this kind of actions we use API. Trigger and action outside Wrike. If you need an help let me know.

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Hi Pietro Poli, thanks for your comment! 

I suppose you do that with Workato(?). If so, I managed to do it once. The thing is, since Wrike started significantly enhancing the capabilities of internal automations, I'm becoming attached to this new logic for two reasons:

  1. Automations are easier to create, as I'm not an API expert.
  2. Workato automations, especially when they are triggerable in real-time, often tend to generate 429-Too Many Requests errors, even if I try to use the narrowest possible scope. That's why I was asking if it's possible to implement this functionality in internal automations.

Best Regards,


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Hi Giovanni De Giovanni, are you italian?

We can speak in italian if you want.

We don't use Workato, we want to have full control. So we develop a mini integration by ourselves.

If you need and help we can provide you this kind of service.


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Pietro Poli Hi Pietro, apologies for my late reply, yes I am Italian and I will write you a private message on LinkedIn about this topic. Thanks! Giovanni 

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