Approval Comments
I really wish comments made on a file in an approval would filter in the task stream as comments rather then an update. It is very useful to be able to read the comments made on a file, but having them lost in the avalanche of all updates is not. Most of the time the team has stream filter is set to only comments, so the file comments are filtered out.
Hi Russell Sprague, thanks for sharing. I can see how this would be beneficial and I've shared your feedback with the team.
If there's anything else I can help with here, please don't hesitate to ask 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Erfahren Sie mehr über Wrikes leistungsstarke Funktionen und lernen Sie Anwendungsbeispiele kennen
Elaine Wrike Team member Erfahren Sie mehr über Wrikes leistungsstarke Funktionen und lernen Sie Anwendungsbeispiele kennen
Elaine I noticed today, that if the stream filter is set to "comments only" before the review comments are made, they do show up, but if you change the filter to 'all', then back to 'comments only' the review comments are filtered out.
Hi Russell Sprague, thank you for bringing this to us. I've opened a ticket with our Support Team so they can help you clarify this situation, you will be contacted very soon.
In the meantime, if you have any additional questions, please let us know 👍
I have to pile on here. I'm not sure about the rest of my team, but I don't filter the stream to "comments only" and the approval/rejection comments are still easily missed. Because Wrike has (what many perceive to be) a massive gap in its approval process (also here: Approved with Changes), I have trained my team to look for a comment attached to an approval. It's far from a perfect system because the comment that accompanies an approval decision is this weird little mutant comment.
As an example, today I approved a SharePoint post, but commented that it needed to be run by an executive before posting. I then posted a standard comment to the task about something else. The standard comment was just enough to distract the person from the approval comment. They saw "approved," read my normal comment, and then posted it before it was reviewed, causing us to scramble when the executive wondered why it had been published without her changes.
Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback Teddy, I'll send it to the responsible team 🤗
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover